Friday, April 30, 2010

David MacDonald on Tonight's Joiner Report 4-30-10

Dave MacDonald
     Imagine interviewing witnesses of a UFO sighting over the Louisville Airport when, suddenly, all found it impossible to speak.

David MacDonald will discuss his research of the Louisville incident Friday night on The Joiner Report.

MacDonald is the State Director of Kentucky’s MUFON, National Exam Administrator, Certified Field Investigator, and Member STAR Team/SIP.

His varied background includes being the president and chief pilot of Flamingo Air and owner of the Flamingo Bay Resort in The Bahamas. He is also the president of MacDonald Defense Company, the largest security and surveillance company in the region.

Heller Audio/Visual Company is owned by MacDonald which is the manufacturer of security, covert and wireless surveillance equipment. And, he was formerly employed as a chemist for The Drackett Company and on the team that developed such products as Windex, Endust and Behold furniture polish.

Dave does have time for recreational entertainment. He is a certified Dive Master and a professional photographer, specializing in underwater photography, and is a former member of a local underwater recovery team.

Tune in to the UFO Paranormal Radio Network (, Friday evening, 9-11 p.m. CST, for an informative two hours on The Joiner Report.

Tonight On Larry King: Are Aliens a Threat?

UFOs on Larry King

Could space aliens be out to get us? Stephen Hawking says they might want to "conquer and colonize" planet Earth! So should we stop trying to contact them? The debate on Larry King Live!


See Also:

LARRY KING: Friday’s UFO Show . . . Bang or Bust?

Video: James Fox & Nick Pope
Talk UFOs with Larry King




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Phoenix Lights Witness Goes Public; Life Changing Experience was Much More Then a UFO Sighting!

V-Shaped UFO Over Phoenix

By Scott Petrie
© 4-27-10

     My name is Scott Petrie and I was not just a witness of the "Phoenix Lights" event, but was "hooted out" (for lack of a better phrase) by THEM twice. The first time was the night of the "mass sighting" on March 13th 1997.

I was born here in Arizona (Mesa), as was my father. My great-grandfather was Mesa's first Sheriff/Fire Chief/Mortician; I'm now 53 years old, having lived in Tempe (which is sandwiched between Mesa and Phoenix) for the past 30 years. I've been working for SRP for over 25 years now, which is the supplier of water and electricity here in the Phoenix metro area; I went to bible collage up in Colorado and got a degree in biblical studies after high school and went to work for Campus Crusade for Christ International.

Andre KoleI was assigned to work with Illusionist "Andre Kole" who also lived here in Tempe. Andre has traveled the world with his full stage productions since the mid 60's and still does to this day. He is one of the most credible debunkers in the world today and his 2-hour long stage performances show the audience how easy it is to fool even the smartest people.

Andre has written several books on many subjects and has been a creative consultant for all of David Copperfield's TV specials, as well as other Magician/illusionists like Sigfreid & Roy and Doug Henning. Andre invented most of the classic stage illusions done today.

Mind Games By Andre Kole One of his books is called Mind Games, which is a compilation of all the “X-file type” things he has been tasked to investigate. It's difficult to fool an Illusionist at their own game; accordingly, Time Magazine, National Geographic, would pay him; even the Federal Government once paid him to go to the Philippines to debunk the "Psychic Surgeons".

I was 21 years old when I started working for Andre and married his daughter (the girl we would make disappear and saw in half each night). After years of doing this show around the world and investigating phenomena wherever we went, whenever we were called in to investigate we could find the trick or gimmick used; from demon possession, communicating with the dead, dematerialization, levitation, mind reading, you name we've investigated it and found explanations each time. I worked with Andre a total of about 8 years and know all the "tricks" including the use of laser projection which we used several times.

Now flash forward to almost 20 years later: I've been working the night shift outside for SRP for 10 years; I work on the trucks that Linemen work in all day (bucket trucks) and I do all the welding repairs on them. I was working that Thursday night, March 13th 1997 and was right in the middle of trying to finish the job I was working on before our break time at 9:00 pm, which was about a half an hour away . . . all of a sudden I had a “strong urge” to stop what I was working on, which I tried to fight—this went from “an urge to a command” and I couldn't fight it!

As I turned, I said out loud, "WHAT?"(even though I was working alone). As I stood up and turned 180° to look towards Phoenix, I dropped my tools and to my astonishment when I focused on what was appearing in front of me—there were 3 balls of light of a type and color I will never forget. It was like watching a cartoon as the orbs were lit from within. They were an orange color like “fire with red and yellow churning” inside each one.

Once all 7 were lit up one at a time (north to south), they just hung there about 500 feet above the southeastern part of the airport and river bottom. One orb kept getting out of line and zip around and then get back in line again; then they all started moving and went from the semi-circle they had been in for 4 or 5 minutes, they then made a “V-shape” and started to turn southeast in my direction.

As the pointed front part of this V swung around, the second it was directed at me, I was "hit" with something that I can only explain as "being scanned.” It instantly knew me and everything about me that second. I was so scared that my "fight or flight" clicked in and I turned and started running away. I didn't get far before I realized that this thing was about 8 or 9 miles away. I turned back and “my fears instantly left” as I watched the V make an elegant banked turn performing a U-turn over The Point South Mountain and glided silently due west, parallel to the South Mountain range, until it got to the end of it, turning left and going behind the range over Rainbow Valley South towards Tucson.

Since that night, as the years have gone by, I've been watching the sky every night with nothing to report; then one night in 2008 I'm inside watching TV, when I get the same “command” to go outside and look up—I did, and what I saw flying over at the 12:00 position, right where I was "prompted" to look was a swirling cloud at an extremely high altitude traveling due south. It was swirling like water going down a drain and had a light shining through it from behind, which was dimming on and off as it flew over; it looked like a little "Milky Way Galaxy" flying along, blinking on and off as it passed.

It was starting to get farther towards Tucson, but still visible, I said to myself under my breath "well, at least it didn't do anything crazy like zip around " because it was at a constant speed and a constant direction. Just as soon as I finished saying this, it zigzagged back and forth and then continued it's same heading and went out of sight. Both times I've had these sightings I was summoned to watch, and I know that this is only the start of what is going to be seen by all. I know that I've been picked to prepare for their arrival, and I'm getting like Dreyfuss [Close Encounters] lately, going a little bit nuts . . . so says my family and friends. Suffice to say: I know this is the real thing, not our government, not anything from here.

Any comments can be made here at The UFO Chronicles, as I keep in touch with Frank (Warren) exclusively; I have grown to trust him above all other professionals in the field. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NASA Announces Wednesday Media Teleconference About Search For Extraterrestrial Life


     WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news media teleconference at 1:30 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, April 28, to discuss the status of agency-sponsored astrobiology research, including the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life and the study of how life began on Earth. Topics also will include the quest for evidence of life on Mars, the habitability of other celestial bodies, and future technology research.

This week, NASA and scientists from around the world are gathering at a biennial meeting near Houston to celebrate 50 years of astrobiology research. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe. Scientists gathered to share new data and insights, initiate and advance collaborations, plan new projects, and educate the next generation of astrobiologists.

The teleconference participants are:
Mary Voytek, astrobiology senior scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington
Steve Squyres, researcher, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Bill Schopf, researcher, University of California, Los Angeles
Jack Farmer, researcher, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz.
John Peters, researcher, Montana State University, Bozeman
To obtain call-in information, journalists should e-mail their name, media affiliation and telephone number to:

Audio of the teleconference will be streamed live on NASA's website at:

For more information about NASA astrobiology activities, visit:

More . . .

See Also:

NASA Ponders UFO Observed By Hubble Space Telescope

THE CONCLUSION OF THE NASA LAWSUIT: Concerning the Kecksburg, PA UFO case of 1965




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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hawking’s ‘Universe’ All Sizzle, No Steak

Into The Universe with Stephen Hawking Aliens
By Billy Cox
De Void

Billy Cox     Hey, thanks for “Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking” last night. The guy’s mind is still on fire and clearly he can still create a buzz. The selective excerpts from the “Aliens” installment made headlines from London to Dehli and were a real marketing coup. Especially with Hawking’s dramatic warnings to hold off on contacting ET due to his fears of provoking the Cortez/Pizarro types (us, in other words). Great promo.

But how many times have we been here before, guys, romping about in the idle meadows of academic speculation? And you do Hawking no favors by making him look naive. You book a man who’s arguably the world’s pre-eminent cosmologist and you let him say things like this?

“In my opinion, if aliens are here, I suspect the newspapers would be full of the story. And if governments are involved in the coverup, they are doing a much better job of it than they seem to do at anything else.”

Please. De Void doesn’t know if the aliens are here or not, but there isn’t enough time or space to itemize the media’s obstinate lack of curiosity — in The Age of Terror, to boot — over repeated insults to American air space by bogeys without transponders. (De Void’s been pulling these godawful chores for three years now.)

As for covering things up, the Pentagon’s classified budget of $56 billion for 2010 is an all-time high. That’s three times the size of NASA’s budget. We used to call it taxation without representation, but now it’s just another porky jobs program that shuts everybody up with security oaths and fake patriotism.

Look, if you ever take another pass at Hawking, get him to address the here and now. Get him to review the testimony of pilots and aviation authorities who shared their UFO eyewitness in Washington, D.C., in 2007. Get him to review the radar data from the Stephenville UFO incident in 2008. The guy’s a scientist. Create something truly novel and make him do his job.

VIDCAST: Investigative Journalist, Leslie Kean Joins Cynthia Siegel on The UFO Connection

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: Eminent Scientist Issues Warning Against Making Contact With Aliens!

Into The Universe with Stephen Hawkings Aliens

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles

     There is great irony in the fact that British theoretical physicist Stephen W. Hawking is one of the brightest minds on the planet, with a boat load of scientific achievements and academic accolades etc., etc., attached to him, all the while being a prisoner in his own body, suffering from the ravages of a disease similar to ALS. Although the progression of the disease has left him virtually paralyzed, his mental faculties are acute, as evidenced by his upcoming participation in the four-part series special entitled, Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking, (which is the culmination of three year’s work by Hawking and the producers).

The Discovery Channel describes the show as follows:
A Stunning New Series

Hawking Into The Universe“Stephen Hawking hosts an epic new kind of cosmology series, a Planet Earth of the heavens. It takes the world's most famous scientific mind and sets it free, powered by the limitless possibilities of computer animation. Hawking gives us the ultimate guide to the universe, a ripping yarn based on real science, spanning the whole of space and time — from the nature of the universe itself, to the chances of alien life, and the real possibility of time travel.”
Tonight’s premiere episode (which addresses the possibility of alien, intelligent life and the likelihood of future contact) has garnered some fanfare, not only for the obvious a fore mentioned collaboration between Hawking’s brilliance and leading edge computer animation, conversely it comes from the “warning” Hawking issues in regards to the theme of tonight’s episode, i.e., Aliens, or more accurately, future contact with any galactic neighbors.

Hawking describes making contact with aliens as being “a little too risky”; he adds:
“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads; looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach . . .. If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”
Tonight's episode: ALIENS: Premieres Sunday April 25 @ 9:00 pm eastern.


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