Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Documentary Film Maker James Fox Sheds Light On Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin's UFO Sightings

From The Joiner Report
© 6-26-09

Aldrin's About-Face

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
© 6-30-09
Angelia JoinerAs most of our regular readers are aware a few weeks ago the Joiner Report, (with host Angelia Joiner) was borne; Angelia started out with a bang in having former CNN news anchor, Miles O’Brien on as her first guest.

Billy Cox Since the premiere she’s maintained her steam with names like, “Billy Cox,” “Milton Torres” and “Leslie Kean.” Last week’s episode was no different, as documentary filmmaker “James Fox” joined Angelia for the hour.

Ufologists, enthusiasts and the curious have been waiting with bated breath for any news on Fox’s latest endeavor, a sequel if you will to the very successful, “Out of The Blue.” Although, initially, the title was going to be an offshoot of the original film, for assorted reasons it has been more accurately named “I Know What I Saw.”

“Somebody Got To Him!”

Buzz AdrinFor those that have listened to the episode, the only complaint was that “it wasn’t long enough!” Fox shared much of his trials and tribulations in making the film, as well as his hopes and goals for its success; however, amongst the interesting minutiae an item I found most intriguing, as I’m sure many of the other listeners did (and will), was the inside scoop on former astronaut, “Buzz Aldrin.”

As most readers are aware Aldrin went public with a UFO sighting he and fellow crew members experienced on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, (see video below), only to later reverse himself on the Larry King Show
no less.

Apollo 11 Saturn V RocketAldrin, in contrast to his earlier public statements on the matter, with a model of the Apollo 11 spacecraft in hand, gave a detailed account of leaving earth orbit and preceding to the moon; he cited a “boost protective cover,” various “panels” that come off when the command module does its separation maneuver, as well as the upper stage of the rocket (SIV-B); thus (now) giving the "impression" that this is what he saw.

Obviously, had Aldrin or any of his comrades believed that what they were seeing was any of the a fore mentioned parts or debris “it would have been a non-issue!”

In that vein, Angelia has graciously allowed TUC to share the pertinent snippet with the Fox interview, detailing his quest to interview Aldrin, the latter’s compliance and then last minute refusal.

In the aftermath, it evokes but one question, “why did Buzz Aldrin change his tune?”

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Witnesses to the UFO in Rendlesham Forest:
30-Year Anniversary Reunion Planned

UFO in Rendlesham Forest
     Organizers of the 30th Anniversary of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident are asking for all fellow USAF staff and any other witnesses, who had anything to do with the December 1980 incident, to attend the 30-year reunion next year in England. It will be held at RAF Bentwaters and will attempt to reconstruct the most complete picture of the incident ever.

The organizers are looking for anybody involved in the incident who would like to come over to England and/or or go on tape talking about the incident. This includes USAF/RAF staff, UFO researchers and witnesses in the area, as well as those who have worked on previous documentaries on the incident.

We are looking for anybody who knows anything about what happened, not just the main players, right down to the person who was in the command post on the nights of the events. We would welcome any assistance in getting to the bottom of a 30-year mystery.

Some former USAF Security Police personnel who were assigned to the Bentwaters Weapons Storage Area during that period have also reported UFO activity at the WSA. We are seeking information from those persons as well.

We are looking for sponsors to help put this together as well. If you would like to become involved, either as a witness or a sponsor, please contact us at bentwaters@hotmail.co.uk or check our blog at www.backtobentwaters.blogspot.com.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Joiner Report Welcomes James Fox

James Fox & Joiner Report Logo
By www.angeliajoiner.com

     Another outstanding guest for The Joiner Report! James Fox will join Angelia Joiner to discuss his career as researcher, investigator, and film producer. Joiner met Fox when they were interviewed on the Larry King Live show after the January 2008, Stephenville, Erath County, sightings.

Fox’s interest in UFO’s began in 1993. By 1998, he had produced his first documentary, “UFO’s: 50 Years of Denial,” picked up by the Discovery Channel and included such notables as Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Pentagon’s Colonel Phillip Corso.

This led to his second award winning film “Out of the Blue” (see link below). Among witnesses interviewed were President Gerald Ford, Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Russian Cosmonaut Pavel Paporvick, and England’s five-star Admiral Lord Hill Norton.

Fox is presently wrapping up his latest production, “I Know What I Saw,” certain to be one to watch.

Without a doubt, this will be another fascinating show. Tune in on the 26th, 9-10 (CST).

Weird Shaped UFO Sighted Over Liverpool!

UFO OverThe Anglican Cathedral Liverpool
Reader Submitted Report

     Dear Sir,

My name is Xxxxx Xxxx. I am 46 years of age and I spotted something today that shook me very much.

Relaxing in St James Cemetery today, 23rd of April 2009, I was reading the local paper. Suddenly something caught my eye and I looked up to suddenly see, this thing. I could not even begin to describe what it looked like. It was not disc-shaped, but sort of reminded me of some sort of weird-shaped starfish. It was completely black, and moved very very slowly in the sky.

It was low and big and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. One other thing was that as I was viewing this thing, there where no sounds of birds at all. It moved across the sky by flipping over on itself, like a coin would move when tossed in the air. At first I thought it was some sort of giant seagul, as there where gulls in the sky at the time.

But looking at this, it was something completely and utterly strange. I tried to get a picture of it, as I had my camera at the time, but could not get a focus no matter how hard I tried. I watched it move toward the Anglcan Cathedral, Liverpool, and then it headed toward the city centre and the Tower Resteraunt

I haven't a clue as to what this thing was. It was frightening to say the least. I was alone in the cemetery so could not point this object out to anybody else. I mentioned this object to my wife, and she told me that this thing had been spotted by other people in Liverpool too during the past days.. It was gliding over and above the River Mersey

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Flying Disk Over Santiago: Seen Flying Over Los Cerrillos

June 1947: Elsewhere in the World

By Inexplicata

     Fifty two years ago, on June 24th, 1947, Kenneth Arnold saw five objects that he described as "skipping like saucers over water" in the skies over Washington State. The rest is history.

Let us not forget that UFO activity was already beginning to occur elsewhere in the world, and this newspaper article from Chile, courtesy of our friend Raul Núñez at the IIEE, is a good example:



Mr. Gillermo de la Cerda Simonot, a former civilian officer of the Fleet, states that a shining, silvery and oval-shaped object" appeared before his eyes for ten minutes at noon yesterday.

A flying disk remained stationary for at least ten minutes over the Los Cerrillos airport, at least ten kilometers from the Plaza de Armas, at the very same time that the population of Santiago left its offices and workshops to go off to lunch. The object was seen by Guillermo de la Cerda Simonot, master mechanic of a small bus line, and whose background as a former civilian officer of the Fleet for 30 years, knowledgeable about machinery and vehicles, is a serene, creditworthy individual with good eyesight.


It was noon when Guillermo de la Cerda, son of the known racehorse owner of the same name, was returning along the Maipú road after having made repairs to a damaged bus. He was wearing sunglasses, which allowed him to face the sun. Suddenly, only a few centimeters over the horizon, he saw something that shined "like the reflection of an airplane's wings when the sun strikes them". He said nothing to his escort, an assistant mechanic of the same bus line, and he continued looking at the object, which remained stationary.


Finally, convinced that it could not be an airplane, he stopped the bus and got off t for a better look. It was an oval, silvery object, similar to the ones described in newswires regarding "flying saucers". He believed that he could see portholes along its edges, but was uncertain. "I don't want to say something that I didn't say with certainty," he added. His companion saw the same thing as he.

A fiew minutes later, the oval, silvery and brilliant object vanished behind the trees and out of sight.

A "flying disk"? A hallucination? Everything suggests the former. Chile appears to hav been visited by the same extraordinary messengers from space that have already appeared in so many parts of the world.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Robert Hastings, Author of UFOs and Nukes, to Appear on Larry King Live on July 3, 2009

Larry King, Robert Hastings, Bob Salas, Bob Jamison,

     Noted UFO researcher, lecturer and author Robert Hastings will make his second appearance on CNN's Larry King Live on July 3, 2009. Hastings will discuss important declassified U.S. government documents which confirm a decades-long UFO-Nukes Connection, which began with some 150 reports of UFO activity at the Los Alamos atomic weapons laboratory as early as December 1948. According to one FBI document, dated January 31, 1949, these incidents were “considered top secret by Intelligence Officers of both the army and the air forces.”

On July 16, 1945, Los Alamos had secretly tested the first atomic bomb in the desert near Alamogordo; bombs two and three were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6th and 9th respectively, thus ending World War II and ushering in the Nuclear Age. Not long thereafter, according to the declassified documents, someone piloting “flying discs” or “flying saucers” began to monitor America’s atomic and thermonuclear weapons program on an ongoing basis.

Information uncovered by Hastings and other researchers reveals that intermittent UFO surveillance of Los Alamos, and other nuclear weapons-related sites, continued throughout and the Cold War era and beyond, occurring as recently as 2006. One Air Force document declassified in 1977 reveals that several UFOs maneuvered near a number of Minuteman nuclear missile sites outside of Malmstrom AFB, Montana, in November 1975. Some of those objects, which alternately hovered and flew around at high velocity, were also tracked on radar and chased, unsuccessfully, by jet fighters. One UFO was reported by missile security personnel to have an “orange white disc” appearance.

These dramatic incidents occurred some six years after the Air Force closed down Project Blue Book—its supposedly definitive UFO investigation—claiming that it had terminated the project because there was no evidence that UFOs posed a threat to national security. However, another now-declassified USAF document states that “Reports of unidentified flying objects which affect national security...are not a part of the Blue Book system.” Of course, the American public was never officially informed of this fact, which only became known after the document’s release years later. Researchers now have evidence that national security-related UFO incidents, including the missile base cases, were actually investigated by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) and various counter-intelligence groups.

Hastings will also present stunning testimony from a few of the 100-plus former or retired U.S. Air Force personnel he has interviewed, who were involved in one or more of UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites over the years. According to those sources—which include missile launch officers, targeting officers, and maintenance personnel—missiles malfunctioned on a number of occasions, at different bases during the 1960s and ‘70s, just as UFOs were sighted hovering above their underground silos, or above their launch control facilities.

In other words, if nuclear war with the Soviet Union had erupted during any of those incidents, the affected missiles—which displayed what the Air Force refers to as a “Guidance and Control NO-GO” error—would have sat useless in their silos.

Even more shocking than those cases is the incident reported by former Minuteman missile launch officer David H. Schuur, who was stationed at Minot AFB, North Dakota, in the mid-1960s. According to Schuur, late one night, a UFO actually activated most of the ten missiles he controlled. At the time, he was in the underground Echo Flight Launch Control Capsule, receiving frantic calls from missile security guards topside, who were reporting an extremely bright object in the sky which rapidly moved from missile to missile, briefly hovering over each one. As the UFO lingered, that particular missile’s “Launch in Progress” button suddenly lit up on the control panel in the capsule. Schuur states that he had to quickly press an "Inhibit" circuit button to override the launch command apparently being sent to each missile by the UFO.

Schuur told Hastings that he does not know whether the missiles would have actually launched, had he not disrupted their countdown sequence, because several other “spurious indicators” had simultaneously appeared on his missile-readiness display panel. Significantly, a nearly identical incident occurred in Soviet Ukraine, on October 4, 1982, according to two retired Soviet Army officers interviewed by ABC News in 1994. The reporter, David Ensor, later worked at CNN as the network’s Chief National Security Correspondent.

Hastings has researched the UFO-Nukes Connection since 1973 and has been invited to speak about his findings at over 500 U.S. colleges and universities since 1981. He has just returned from two international lectures, in Stockholm Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil. His book, UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, is available ONLY at www.ufohastings.com

The July 3, 2009 Larry King Program:

First half:

Guests include James Fox, Fife Symington, General Wilfred De Brouwer and Edgar Mitchell.

Fox is a filmmaker whose UFO documentary "Out of the Blue" is considered to be a "must-see" by Hastings and many other researchers.

Symington is the former governor of Arizona, and a former USAF officer, who saw a mile-wide, boomerang-shaped UFO with a string of bright lights on its leading edge, move silently over Phoenix on the evening of March 13, 1997. This object was officially explained away by the U.S. Air Force as several military flares dropped from helicopters. Symington kept his silence about the dramatic sighting for nearly a decade. Hundreds of other people in Phoenix have reported seeing the same huge object that night.

De Brouwer is a retired Belgian Air Force general, who publicly announced, on June 22, 1990, that the BAF had flown numerous UFO-intercept missions in 1989 and 1990. Some of the UFOs were tracked on radar, performing maneuvers that would have destroyed any known aircraft.

Edgar Mitchell is a former NASA Apollo astronaut who walked on the moon. He has recently stated that the U.S. government knows that UFOs exist and are extraterrestrial.

Second half:

Guests include Hastings, Fox, Seth Shostak, Bill Nye.

Shostak is an astronomer with the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute and a UFO debunker.

Nye, best known as "Bill Nye the Science Guy" is a science-explainer and a UFO debunker.

Monday, June 22, 2009

THE JOINER REPORT: Investigative Journalist Leslie Kean Clears The Air On John Podesta & UFOs!

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles

     In last Friday's episode of the JoinerReport, Angelia's guest, investigative journalist and key member of the The Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI), "Leslie Kean" set the record straight in regards to the level of involvement by John Podesta (former White House Chief of Staff to then President Clinton as well as co-chair of President Obama’s transition project) pertaining to UFOs and the quest for government disclosure, and or the release of classified UFO files as well the possibility of reestablishing an investigative body to examine the phenomenon.

Angelia shares a snippet of the interview here at The UFO Chronicles; to listen to the entire interview, click the link below:


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