Friday, April 24, 2015

UFO Caught On Video Over Town Center

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UFO Caught On Video Over Town Center (Virginia Beach, Virginia) 4-18-15

By Alejandro Rojas

     A YouTuber leaving her job at the Town Center of Virginia Beach spotted a weird object fluttering around the top of the nearby Westin Hotel building. The object sat motionless at times, and occasionally sped off and came back. The witness was left wondering what the heck she had seen. Luckily, she caught it on video.

. . . In the video, an object can be seen hovering over the Westin’s large, brightly lit, pyramid roof and spire. At first it doesn’t look too abnormal, but then the object begins to maneuver in strange ways. It zooms off and comes back a couple of times before zooming off one last time at the end of the video. The video last about 3 and a half minutes. . . .

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