Wednesday, March 25, 2015

UFOs Photographed While Being Chased By MoD Helicopter

UFOs Photographed While Being Chased By MoD Helicopter

By John Shammas
The family were left spooked, claiming the UFOs were followed by an 'MOD helicopter' fast in pursuit

     A family claim their barbecue was interrupted by four UFOs 'zooming across the sky' - quickly followed by a Ministry of Defence helicopter.

Andrea Finney, from Bolton, Lancashire, was enjoying a pleasant outdoor family meal with her husband Nigel and their son when the mysterious event left them spooked.

The 48-year-old, who works in property management, told Mirror Online: "There were four of them, and they zoomed across the sky.

"You just had to be there to see it, it was the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life.

"They zoomed off after we spotted them, and the craziest thing was that they were then followed by a Ministry of Defence helicopter.

"I was just gobsmacked." . . .

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