Friday, November 21, 2014

Diamond-Shaped UFO Spotted at 100 Ft Altitude

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Diamond-Shaped UFO Spotted at 100 Ft Altitude

By Roger Marsh

     An Oregon witness at Beaver Marsh reported watching a silent, diamond-shaped UFO, moving overhead about 100 feet in altitude, according to testimony in Case 61431 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness stepped outside from a parked travel trailer along Highway 97 just southeast of the Diamond Lake Junction turn off about 6:45 p.m. on November 9, 2014, when the object was first seen coming from the south.

“It was before the moon had appeared on the horizon and the sky was very dark,” the witness stated. “The stars that night were very bright. When I looked up to the south I was looking directly at a metal tower of some sort (radio-telephone) with a red light on top. There was some illumination from a billboard in front of the tower.”

The witness described the object.

“I saw a silent shape move very slowly – perhaps 25 mph (guess) fly over the tower and my head and continue to the north. I was only able to see the UFO from roughly 60 yards away to the south and 60 yards away to the north. I could only see a moving blur until the object was directly overhead and the stars in the background were covered up as the shape passed between them and me. It was then I could see the outline of the craft. It appeared to be a diamond shape.” . . .

1 comment :

  1. My first thought was of a drone, as well. It seems we're going to have more and more sightings of these freaking things as they are gaining in popularity and the FDA is scrambling to put rules together for them. How do we tell these from real UFOs? Very frustrating.


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