“It was approximately six feet off the ground moving through the backyard and I was only about 10 feet from it at one point. I estimate the size to be eight feet tall by five feet wide. It moved at a pace like a fast walk, but steady.”A New Jersey witness at Washington Township reported a bright orange, bell-shaped UFO, in her back yard that quickly moved into the sky and disappeared, according to testimony in Case 59379 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside at 8:30 p.m. on August 14, 2014, as a storm was approaching from the northwest when the object was first seen.
“I walked out my back door and picked a tomato off a patio plant,” the witness stated. “I then walked to the fence on my right and tossed the tomato over it – for the birds. When I turned around, I saw a large orange/red glowing object that reminded me of a burning ember from a fire – very bright.”
The witness described the object’s movement.
“It came from over the top of the neighbor’s lower roof (which is probably 10 feet high), moving steadily toward the southeast through our backyard. It seemed to move right through trees/leaves – if it navigated around them, I didn’t notice that.” . . .
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See Also:
New Jersey Under Alien Attack — Maybe
MUFON Caught New Jersey UFO Hoaxers!
UFO Photographed Hovering Near Home
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