Thursday, October 03, 2013

UFOs Photographed Over Polish Town of Elblag

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UFOs Photographed Over Polish Town of Elblag (2) 9-29-13

UFO photographed over Polish town of Elblag

By Alejandro Rojas

     A man in the town of Elblag photographed a strange light he saw floating over his town on the evening of September 29. He is convinced it is not a “Wedding Lantern,” often referred to as a Chinese Lantern, because it was too bright and too big.

Mr. Jaroslaw sent four UFO pictures of the object to the local news website He says the light appeared in the sky west of town, and it could be seen very clearly. Jaroslaw says his father was the first to spot the object from his balcony while he was out smoking a cigarette in a town west of Elblag. His father called him and told Jaroslaw about the strange light he was seeing, so Jaroslaw went to look and find out if he could see the object himself.

Jaroslaw was able to spot the object on the horizon, and although it was dark, he decided to try and take pictures. He says he watched the object for 20 minutes, and that the light moved very slow and appeared to be heading toward the ground. wrote that they were not sure what Jaroslaw saw, and wondered whether or not he witnessed an extraterrestrials spacecraft, referring to the Hynek UFO classification of a Close Encounter of the First Kind.

UFOs Photographed Over Polish Town of Elblag 9-29-13

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