Monday, May 29, 2023

Trinity UFO Crash Hoax – (Another) Smoking Gun

Illustration of Reme Baca & Jose Padilla Coming Upon a Crashed Flying Saucer (Trinity Hoax) - 1945

"... the "eyewitness" account that Reme Baca presented to Thomas J. Carey—who audio-recorded it—was very different from the UFO-crash story that Baca and Padilla presented to the public less than one year later. "

     Less than a year before going public with what became the Jacques Vallee-Paola Harris story of the 1945 crash of an avocado-shaped UFO, Reme Baca was tape-recorded peddling a very different story about a boyhood encounter that he and
Jose Padilla had with a very different sort of UFO: a tale of their discovery of a classical flying saucer, crashed-- in 1946. And that's just the start.

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