Friday, July 19, 2024

Nuclear Theory On Forest UFO Claims (2011)

Nuclear Theory On Forest UFO Claims -

"... there is evidence to suggest laser-like beams were seen above nuclear storage facilities at Bentwaters."

     THE notorious sighting of UFOs in a Suffolk forest could be linked to the presence of nuclear weapons, it was claimed last night.

In December 1980 strange lights were seen by US Air Force
By Craig Robinson
East Anglian Times
personnel at the twin bases of RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge near Rendlesham Forest.

The event – which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary – has never been explained and attracts a variety of different theories.

Expert Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes, believes the mysterious events had a nuclear weapons connection.

He has spoken to a number of eye witnesses – including base commander Colonel Charles Halt – and said there is evidence to suggest laser-like beams were seen above nuclear storage facilities at Bentwaters.

Mr. Hastings, who recently lectured at Oxford University on the connection between UFOs and nuclear weapons said: "One of the UFOs hovered over the nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA) and directed laser-like beams of light down onto or near it."

"At that time, the WSA held the largrest stockpile of tacticval nuclear bombs – also known as battlefield nukes – in Western Europe."

"The incident at Bentwaters was hardly unique. Significantly, UFO incursions at WSAs at other USAF bases occurred in the years both preceding and following the incident at Bentwaters."

Mr. Hastings said other sightings were recorded above WSA's at Michigan and Montana in 1975, New Mexico in 1980 and in the former Soviet Union in 1989.

He believes the UFOs targeted these areas because their occupants were monitoring the nuclear arms race.

"I am speculating but it appears that whatever their overall agenda may be, part of what they are up to is monitoring the nuclear arms race," he said. "I have interviewed over 120 former military personnel in the US – three quarters of them are of the opinion that these things are attemting to wag a finger at us. Admonishing us. Telling us that we are playing with fire."

To mark the 30th anniversary of the incident the East Anglian Daily Times has teamed up with BBC Radio Suffolk to try to explain the mystery in a continuing investigation called Rendlesham Rervelaed.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Nuke Plant Guards Report Hovering UFOs

Nuke Plant Guards Report Hovering UFOs -

"A dozen security officers at the Indian Point 3 nuclear plant spotted a large UFO on July 24, 1984 .... They said the UFO was 900 feet long and hovered over the plant for 15 minutes ..."

     Shotguns were drawn and the National Guard was notified, say some.

But officials of the New York Power Authority will not release details about what happened last summer at tbe Indian Point nuclear
By Jon Craig
Journal News
(Nyack, New York)
power complex during the reported alptmg of an unidentifted flying object near the reactor.

A dozen security officers at the Indian Point 3 nuclear plant spotted a large UFO on July 24, 1984, according Philip Imbrogno, an astronomer with the Center for UFO Studies.

Imbrogno, of Greenwich, Conn., an investigator for the Evanston, Ill. centert said this week, "It was quite an incident and they were quite upset."

He said he interviewed six guards who contacted him about the sighting. They said the UFO was 900 feet long and hovered over the plant for 15 minutes, according to Imbrogno. There was a similar incident on June 14, he said.

Carl Patrick, a spokeman for NYPA, operator of Unit 3, confirmed the sightings but said, "It's a six month-old story."

Larry Rossbach, a resident inspector with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, recalled Friday that guards were discussing the incident when he reported to work the following day.

Said Rossbach, "I didn't see it (but) I remember some guys said they saw it. I accept them as reasonable people."

One security officer, who requested anonymity, said the object was 100 feet long, looked like helicopters in V-formation. made some noise and hovered 300 yards above the plant. He said guards "broke out the shotguns."

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Senate Briefing on The Skinwalker Ranch and AARO’s Sean Kirkpatrick

Senate Briefing on The Skinwalker Ranch and AARO’s Sean Kirkpatrick

The Skinwalker Strikes Back

Former AARO boss get clobbered by friendly fire

"But the first question we should ask is, why is this guy [Sean Kirkpatrick] still doing press interviews in the first place? Is it vanity? Are there rhetorical or other scores he feels the need to settle with real or imagined antagonists?"

     Well that interview didn’t go according to script, did it?

See, this is what happens when an ostensibly smart guy like Sean Kirkpatrick surrounds himself with hand-picked beat reporters who, in pursuit of access to power and sourcing, swallow each and every pronouncement on faith and refuse to call him out on anything. Like Muhammad Ali, Kirkpatrick should’ve been preparing for the unexpected juke with sparring partners like Tim Witherspoon or
Billy Cox
By Billy Cox
Life in Jonestown
Larry Holmes, not the housecat palookas who softened him up for what should’ve been a non-event last week. Instead, the former director of the Pentagon’s wretched All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office got inadvertently tripped up by one of his own media allies – and now he looks like just another tired cliche.

But the first question we should ask is, why is this guy still doing press interviews in the first place? Is it vanity? Are there rhetorical or other scores he feels the need to settle with real or imagined antagonists?

The former CIA operator left AARO in December after 18 months for a job more suited to his impulses, i.e., Chief Technology Officer for defense and intelligence programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He no doubt checked the “Exceeds Expectations” box of his year-end review by ignoring the really weird UFO cases and hyping the explainable ones, which nobody gives a shit about. And for good measure, he dropped a floater in the punchbowl on the way out with that “Historical Report,” which scrupulously avoided any mention of (among many other omissions) nuclear-base incursions and WMD tampering. And the Tic Tac incident, which rejuvenated the global UFO conversation in 2017? Forget about it, nowhere to be found in that masquerade of an official record.

But Kirkpatrick set the table for last week’s snafu by joining several round-table discussions – December 2022, October 2023, and last November – with oblivious and largely legacy-media homies who either didn’t know about or failed to ask what AARO’s position was on two of the most conspicuous and well-documented UFO cases this century.

And, um, what did the pilots say?

The most visually intriguing, of course, is the 2013 Aguadilla encounter, involving footage of transmedium UFO activity off Puerto Rico recorded by Customs and Border Protection. It was declassified by the Department of Homeland Security in 2023. More portentous, however, are the implications from a radar data harvest reaped by the 2008 Stephenville incident.

Eyewitness accounts of the spectacular UFO that buzzed the Texas cowtown 16 years ago rated international coverage, in no small part because FOIA action by Robert Powell forced the Air Force to reverse initial denials and admit that 10 F-16s from Carswell AFB were operating in the Stephenville region that night, per numerous folks on the ground. Plus, the unknown radar target (no transponder) was cruising like a dorsal fin for the no-fly zone around President Bush’s residence in Crawford some 70 miles southeast of Stephenville. Inexplicably, by time the bogey hit the perimeter, no jet fighters were in the area. But radar records did track a surveillance plane, likely an AWACS, keeping an eye on things at 41,000 feet by flying figure-8 patterns for nearly four hours.

During Bush’s presidency, at least three illegal breaches of restricted airspace over Crawford’s “western White House” made headlines, with private pilots being forced down by F-16s. According to FOIA-acquired FAA records, a total of nine violations occurred during Bush’s term, all from 2001-2005. Every violator was apprehended and cited. There is no mention of the 1/8/08 visitor from Stephenville in the data provided by the FAA. One also wonders: where was the air cover that confronted the other guilty interlopers? Given some hairy historical precedents about what can happen when combat aircraft mount aggressive responses to UFO activity, might there be some tacit military policy to back off in the absence of demonstrably hostile intent? That’d be one helluva story.

But during Kirkpatrick’s media Q&As, not a single reporter asked what the pilots or crew members who participated in Stephenville or Aguadilla incidents – reconstructed with federal data – had to say. Because nobody dared to mention either case in the first place.

A ‘UFO religion’ in the Pentagon

Enter New York Post reporter Steven Greenstreet.

Greenstreet is a tenacious journo on a mission. The UAP mystery insults his intelligence. He dismisses researchers as “true believers,” “spooky hustlers,” and “paranormal crusaders.” For the last few years, he’s been engaged in his own crusade to goad Congress into investigating the Pentagon’s credulous engagement with the UFO issue. He describes the $22 million for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP) in 2007 as a “misappropriation of funds.” The focus of his obsession is Skinwalker Ranch, a nexus of reported UFO and other paranormal activity in Utah, where ongoing investigations are now five seasons deep into a History channel reality series.

Greenstreet is, in other words, the perfect vessel for Kirkpatrick. In the interview he dropped last week, Greenstreet virtue-signals by blaming “the UFO hysteria of the past six years” on the New York Times. He accuses the media of being asleep at the wheel for failing to appreciate the sketchy (at best) UFO history report released by AARO in March. He attempts to score points with Kirkpatrick by describing AARO detractors as zealots.

“A UFO religion has infiltrated the Pentagon,” Greenstreet declares after getting Kirkpatrick to characterize even receptive DoD colleagues as part of “a religion,” a religion that even threatens national security. “This seems like front page news,” Greenstreet adds, “but you won’t find it on the front pages of the American mainstream media, who mostly ignored Kirkpatrick’s AARO report and who continued to publish stories about aliens and UFOs.”

The media ignored AARO’s report with headlines like these: “Pentagon finds ‘no evidence’ of UFO technology in new UFO report” – NPR; “Pentagon study finds no evidence of alien life in reported UFO sightings going back decades” – Associated Press; “Pentagon report says most UFO sightings ‘ordinary objects’ and phenomena” – Reuters; “Pentagon says no evidence of UFO cover-up by U.S.” – NBC; “Alien, UFO mothership is not being hidden from you: Pentagon report” – USA Today; “Pentagon finds no evidence of alien visits, hidden spacecraft” – Washington Post; “Pentagon review finds no evidence of alien coverup” – New York Times. But to itemize Greenstreet’s myriad inaccuracies is beside the point.

Whoops . . .

Twenty-two minutes through the half-hour split-screen interview (see below) Greenstreet asks if SK had “any interest at all in UFOs” prior to his appointment to lead AARO in 2022. Kirkpatrick says not beyond the movies. “Before AARO, did you perform any duties regarding UFOs or paranormal phenomena?” SK says no. “Did you attend a 2018 Senate Armed Services Committee briefing on Skinwalker Ranch?”

Kirkpatrick gets this blank deer-in-the-headlights look like Trump did when asked six years ago if he knew anything about payoffs to Stormy Daniels. SK pauses, gaze climbing the walls, and says “Nnnno . . . I attended a briefing at the request of Senate Armed Services Committee on what was at that time associated with the AATIP/AAWSAP research that was going (on) as an independent outside, uh, reviewer, and I gave them my opinions at that time.”

Because that’s just what the Senate does – invite people who know nothing about a subject to share their uninformed opinions.

Kirkpatrick tries a little damage spin by clarifying “this was not a government briefing” and winds up sounding like Trump trying to explain why he did or didn’t favor Putin’s word over American intelligence at a summit in Helsinki. During Greenstreet’s trip to Skinwalker Ranch a few years ago, he explains to SK, ranch owner Brandon Fugal claimed he attended the very same SASC meeting — and Kirkpatrick was there too. Moreover, Fugal insisted, Kirkpatrick actually ran the meeting himself, informing attendees that he, Kirkpatrick, “was already fully aware of the reality of UFO phenomena.”

The dead end blues

Kirkpatrick denies leading the meeting, or making “aliens are real” statements. In a subsequent email exchange, SK tells Greenstreet “I did not know that it was about Skinwalker Ranch until later. I don’t recall it being referenced by that name during the briefing.” Greenstreet responds with slides from Fugal’s 2018 Power Point briefing, which feature logos that read “Confidential Briefing/Skinwalker Ranch/U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.” Kirkpatrick denies being in on that particular meeting – the one he attended, he assures Greenstreet, “was less polished.” Kirkpatrick doubles down by saying he didn’t, in fact, attend any such briefing on The Hill in 2018 – “I believe it would have been 2017.”

“I don’t recall ever meeting Fugal,” SK adds. “Maybe he’s confusing the two meetings.”

Fugal responds to Greenstreet’s followup email query with the exact date of the meeting – 19 April 2018 – along with assertions that he (Fugal) possesses photos, videos, and the names of every witness in the room. “This is all very confusing,” Greenstreet confesses at the end of his piece, “and at this point, I simply don’t know who to believe.”

Fugal settled matters last Thursday by releasing a photo (below) from the 2018 briefing – with Kirkpatrick staring into the camera.

Don’t expect Steven Greenstreet to go to the dark side – his dragonslayer shtick compelled him to bury the lead of this surprising interview with an intro that allowed Sean Kirkpatrick to proclaim his victimhood, once again, at the hands of UFO crazies. As for the former AARO boss, who could and should have disappeared quietly into shadowland five months ago, a little advice – if you’re actually enjoying this public figure gig, get better sparring partners than the stroke jobs who helped pave the road to this dead end.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What is Kona Blue? UFO Technology Program Unveiled

What is Kona Blue? UFO Technology Program Unveiled -

"Code-named 'Kona Blue,' Las Vegas would have been in the eye of the storm when it came to UFO technology investigations if the program had come to fruition. But why the transparency now?" Dr. James Lacatski, formerly a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) analyst and missile expert, has some insight.

     Information has recently surfaced shedding light on an ambitious program that would have researched UFO technology in southern Nevada, aiming to exploit the tech, interview witnesses to extraterrestrial activities, and study the physical and psychological effects of the encounters.
By George Knapp
8 News Now

Code-named “Kona Blue,” Las Vegas would have been in the eye of the storm when it came to UFO technology investigations if the program had come to fruition. But why the transparency now? Dr. James Lacatski, formerly a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) analyst and missile expert, has some insight.

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Pentagon is Lying About UFOs

The Pentagon is Lying About UFOs -

"In a case resolution report published last week, the Pentagon’s UFO analysis office concluded with “moderate” confidence that the object observed by the pilot was a balloon, likely “a large commercial lighting balloon.”

This so-called explanation insults the intelligence of any reader who takes a few moments to review the details of the incident."


     More recently, the Pentagon released a congressionally-mandated review of U.S. government involvement with UFOs. The report, which is riddled with basic factual errors, omissions and a laundry list of historical distortions, leaves much to be desired. Christopher Mellon, the Department of Defense’s former top civilian intelligence official, took the UFO office to task in a scathing, 16,000-word analysis of the report.
By Marik von Rennenkampff
The Hill


The Pentagon’s egregious misrepresentation of this analysis is of like kind with its so-called explanation for the Eglin Air Force Base incident. In short, the decades-long “nothing-to-see-here” approach to UFOs continues, unabated.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Alarming Correlation: Unexplained UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Weapons Sites, Facilities

Alarming Correlation: UFO Sightings and Nuclear Weapons, Technology -

     An article at The Hill explores "interactions between UFOs and ultra-sensitive U.S. nuclear assets [that] date back nearly eight decades." The author, Marik von Rennenkampff, highlights several instances throughout history, here is a sampling below:
By The UFO Chronicles

• The Green Fireballs Phenomenon: Beginning in 1948 airline pilots began reporting sightings of "green fireballs." The subject of aerial phenomenon was classified secret, and the 4th Army approached Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, an American astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a pioneer in the study of meteors for assistance. In a secret meeting at Los Alamos in February of 1949, LaPaz stated for the record that, "Nothing like this to my knowledge, has ever been observed in the case of meteorite drops."

• UFO Incident at Kirtland Air Force Base 1957: "On Nov. 4, 1957, two control tower operators with more than 20 years of combined experience said they watched from a remarkably close range as an elongated wingless and engineless object descended slowly over the runway and hovered over the base’s nuclear weapons storage area."

• The Socorro Incident - 1964: On April 24, 1964 in Socorro, New Mexico, local police officer, Lonnie Zamora reported seeing "an egg-shaped flying object land" and he "saw two occupants who alighted after it landed ...." This incident was investigated by local authorities, the FBI, the Air Force and civilian UFO groups. To date the case remains unresolved.

As noted by Rennenkampff: "this extraordinary encounter took place in the vicinity of the Trinity Site, where the first nuclear weapon was detonated in July 1945."

• UFOs Over Nuke Missile Fields 1966/1967: "On August 25, 1966, an Air Force officer in charge of a missile crew in North Dakota [Minot AFB Missile Field] suddenly found that his radio transmission was being interrupted by static. At the time, he was sheltered in a concrete capsule 60 feet below the ground. While he was trying to clear up the problem, other Air Force personnel on the surface reported seeing a UFO- an unidentified flying object - high in the sky. It had a bright red light, and it appeared to be alternately climbing and descending. Simultaneously, a radar crew on the ground picked up the UFO at 100,000 feet.

When the UFO climbed, the static stopped," stated the report made by the base's director of operations. "The UFO began to swoop and dive. It then appeared to land ten to fifteen miles south of the area. Missile-site control sent a strike team [well-armed Air Force guards] to check. When the team was about ten miles from the landing site, static disrupted radio contact with them. Five to eight minutes later the glow diminished, and the UFO took off. Another UFO was visually sighted and confirmed by radar. The one that was first sighted passed beneath the second. Radar also confirmed this. The first made for altitude toward the north, and the second seemed to disappear with the glow of red. This incident, which was not picked up by the press, is typical of the puzzling cases ..."–J. Allen Hynek

"In March 1967, all ten of the 'Minuteman I' missiles [Malmstrom AFB] under my control were disabled while an oval shaped UFO hovered at close range over the front gate of my launch control center in Montana. I was sworn to secrecy about this incident until 1994 when the U.S. Air Force declassified a similar incident at the request of my investigator, Jim Klotz under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). At that time, I believed the declassified incident of ‘Echo Flight’ to be the one in which I was involved. As a result of receiving declassified documents from AF records about the Echo incident, I began to publicly disclose what I recalled."–Robert Salas

• The Rendlesham/Bentwaters UFO - 1980: "Early in the morning of 27 Dec 80 (approximately 0300l), two USAF security police patrolmen saw unusual lights outside the back gate at RAF Woodbridge. Thinking an aircraft might have crashed or been forced down, they called for permission to go outside the gate to investigate. The on duty flight chief responded and allowed three patrolmen to proceed on foot. The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest. The object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, approximately two to three meters across the base and approximately two meters high. It illuminated the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later near the back gate."–Charles Halt

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Pentagon's New UFO, UAP Report is Taken to the Woodshed

The Pentagon's New UFO, UAP Report is Taken to the Woodshed -

"... this is the most error-ridden and unsatisfactory government report I can recall reading during or after decades of government service. We all make mistakes, but this report is an outlier in terms of inaccuracies and errors. Were I reviewing this as a graduate student’s thesis it would receive a failing grade for failing to understand the assignment, sloppy and inadequate research, and flawed interpretation of the data."

     Last month the U.S. government’s new UAP investigation office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), submitted a report to Congress entitled, “Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena”
By Chris Mellon
(UAP, the new term for UFO). This new report is itself anomalous for several reasons.

First, who ever heard of a government report being submitted months before it was due? Especially one so rife with embarrassing errors in desperate need of additional fact-checking and revision? Was AARO Director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick rushing to get the report out the door before departing, perhaps to ensure that his successor could not revise or reverse some of the report’s conclusions?

Second, this appears to be the first AARO report submitted to Congress that the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) did not sign off on. I don’t know why, but Avril Haines and her Office were quite right not to in this case, having spared themselves considerable embarrassment in the process.

Third, this is the most error-ridden and unsatisfactory government report I can recall reading during or after decades of government service. We all make mistakes, but this report is an outlier in terms of inaccuracies and errors. Were I reviewing this as a graduate student’s thesis it would receive a failing grade for failing to understand the assignment, sloppy and inadequate research, and flawed interpretation of the data. Hopefully, long before it was submitted, the author would have consulted his or her professor and received some guidance and course correction to prevent such an unfortunate outcome.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Department of Defence UFO Dossier: A Glimpse into the Unidentified

Department of Defence UFO Dossier - A Glimpse into the Unidentified -

     Following in the footsteps of other countries re transparency regarding unidentified aerial phenomena UAP or UFO’s, Australia’s Department of Defence has released a 10-page dossier detailing its communications and stance on UFOs. This release was prompted
By The UFO Chronicles
by a Freedom of Information (FOI) request and includes documents created between July and October 2023.

The dossier seemingly reveals that the Australian Defence has not actively monitored reports of UFOs since 1996, citing a lack of “scientific or other compelling reason for … investigation of UAP or UFO.” The documents state that “The Defence Aviation Safety Authority and Civil Aviation Safety Authority already serve this function across flight safety issues and apparatus exist for concerns regarding National security.”

Interestingly, the dossier also references the US-based All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within the United States Department of Defense and continues to monitor their reports. It emphasizes that AARO “found no credible evidence thus far of extra-terrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics.”

The release of this dossier albeit lackluster, adds Australia to a list of countries, including the United States, UK, France, Canada, Uruguay, Brazil, Sweden et al, which have disclosed their investigations or involvement into the perplexing UFO phenomenon. It reflects a growing, re-newed legitimacy and public interest in UAPs, especially after the United States Congress made annual national intelligence reports on UAPs mandatory.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Top Military Issues Worldwide UAP, UFO Reporting Requirements

Top Military Issues Worldwide UAP, UFO Reporting Requirements -

On May 19, 2023, the Joint Staff (J3, Operations; J36 Homeland Defense Division) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff disseminated to all unified military commands worldwide a set of uniform procedures to be followed for gathering data and reporting on contemporary military encounters with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), using a detailed standard reporting template.


     The Joint Staff message was designated as "GENADMIN Joint Staff J3 Washington DC 191452ZMAY23 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Reporting and Material Disposition." The entire nine-page document, along with the Final Response letter that I received
By Douglas Dean Johnson
from the Department of Defense Freedom of Information Act Division (dated March 15, 2024, but transmitted on March 18, 2024), and my original FOIA request (all with minimal redactions to protect privacy), are embedded as a single PDF document below ....

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The UFO Gremlin System – A New Rapid Deployable Surveillance Capability

The UFO Gremlin System – A New Rapid Deployable Surveillance Capability

DOD developing ‘Gremlin’ capability to help personnel collect real-time UAP data

     The Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office is producing and refining a new deployable surveillance capability — the Gremlin System — to enable personnel to capture real-time data and more rapidly respond to unidentified anomalous
By Brandi Vincent
phenomena (UAP) incidents as they occur, the acting chief of the office told DefenseScoop during a press briefing Wednesday.

Tim Phillips, AARO’s acting director on assignment from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, shared the first public details about these in-the-works, sensor-equipped Gremlin “kits” during the Wednesday briefing, which was more broadly focused on the office’s release of the congressionally required “Volume I Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with UAP.” That report is attached below.


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