Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"The beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight" – My UFO Experience

'The beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight' – My UFO Experience –

"All of a sudden, from above, a bright light shined down on us, and the beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight. It was like stadium lights were lit up for as far as we could see. BUT it was SILENT.... We turned on the radio and heard that there were lots of UFO sightings near the area."

     In early 1982, my now husband and I went to Pensacola beach/Navarre Beach. We had been enjoying the day at the beach and had a blanket laid out, all of our bags, and as the sun went down, decided to stay and enjoy the evening listening to waves, and
By Gerry G Morrison
The UFO Chronicles
eating. We had some flashlights (small). There were no houses at the time, and it was pitch black. Just the waves were the only sound. Behind us were the sand dunes.

All of a sudden, from above, a bright light shined down on us, and the beach was lit up BRIGHTER than if it was daylight. It was like stadium lights were lit up for as far as we could see. BUT it was SILENT.

My husband and I felt terror. We looked at one another and said RUN, RUN, RUN. We grabbed one or two things, ran towards the sand dunes (leaving most of our things). Car was just on the other side of the dunes on the two lane road that runs along the beach.

As we crossed the huge dunes (a small pass between 2 dunes) I looked back. I couldn't see where the light was coming from. It was like several thousand watts turned on, lighting up the beach. There were no buildings, NOTHING out there. We jumped into the car and I hysterically screamed GO GO GO....and we tore out in the WRONG direction away from where we lived, just going down the road as fast as we could.

After a time, we turned around and went back (only way to get back to pensacola ) and the beach was dark. We drove past the area and kept going. We never stopped. We turned on the radio and heard that there were lots of UFO sightings near the area.

We have been haunted by this since 1982. I am now 65 and my husband is 66. We thought maybe it was something experimental from the air base there. BUT IT WAS SILENT. The light came from above us, but lit up the entire area like daylight. I had to squint. I didn't look up; I was afraid. Neither did my husband. I felt dread, that if we didn't run, something horrible was going to happen, and so did he.

Have you ever had accounts like this? Is there someone who may have experienced this. And no, it wasn't bright nights, wasn't any kind of environmental thing. This was some kind of purposeful, brighter than day light that was shone on us, from the sky. It didn't move, didn't change.....wasn't a helicopter, or plane. SILENT.


My husband and I almost NEVER speak of this. We did today. He tells me that he looked up and the light seemed to come from behind us over the dunes. BUT, the light was not pinpoint from a single source. It was diffuse, which scared him even more. The light was not from directly over head. The dunes are approximately 15-20 feet high (or were at the time) and so the light emanated diffusely from much farther up than that. But it was so blinding, that he could not see a source. In his recollection, we ran across a cut out in the dunes to the road and jumped in the car. We never saw ANYTHING above, around. We seemed alone except for the very bright stadium like lights lighting up the area. It was so bright that our eyes hurt. We never saw another car as we drove away. And, it was dark on the other side of the dunes where the car was. As we returned to the area, we do recall that it was dark. We slowed the car, and even though we had left several objects, we didn't go back. Whatever this was, was not something that we could explain on this earth or with physics. My husband grew up on an airbase and was familiar with all aeronautical sounds. I recall hearing NOTHING. I am perplexed to this day and often wonder what would have transpired had we stayed.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

UFOs, Nuclear Weapons and Drones – Interview with Noted Researcher, Robert Hastings

UFOs, Nuclear Weapons and Drones – Interview with Noted Researcher, Robert Hastings -

"... I found out later yeah as soon as daylight came they sent the helicopters and this UFO just went right through the helicopters and out, between the helicopters and out."

     ... today's amazing American Alchemist is Robert Hastings the man who has dedicated his life to documenting this unquestionable connection. ... his nearly 600 page book UFOs in nukes is literally the world's best database on this phenomena.

By Jesse Michels
American Alchemy
Jan. 2025
Jesse Michels: I view your book UFOs and Nukes (ad) as sort of a the best possible database when it comes to Credible Witnesses viewing UFOs. Hastings has personally interviewed 167 employees of nuclear bases across the United States, many of whom are clear to the most sensitive American National Security Secrets. "holy mackerel there's this white pulsating object" that can't be one of ours these are missile technicians ICBM security Personnel missileers radar operators and more, who have all seen orbs saucers discs and Tic Tacs in and in and around the most sensitive nuclear airspace. By nature of who they are these Witnesses are inherently some of the most reliable in the world. Some literally have their finger on the nuclear button. "You know they're on what they call PRP they have to like report if they're like you know taking Ibprofen for God's sakes." And these Witnesses couldn't care less about fame or attention. In fact most of them want to avoid these things at all costs. In fact many of them have suffered intensely in their careers for speaking out about their experiences.

Robert Hastings: A flag was being put in their folders citing them as a security risk, so that if they sought employment with like an aerospace company or something the Air Force would have designated them to be security risks.


Robert Hastings: [Hastings describing the threats to eyewitness and former Lieutenant Bob Jacobs] He gets a phone call one night he and his wife come home from a movie the phone rings the voice says "your mailbox a'light what a beautiful sight you're going down motherfucker!


Jesse Michels: Hasting, has risked his life in telling stories like these do you feel like your Communications are being tracked ...

Robert Hastings: No question.

Jesse Michels: [Laughs] Do you have any clear concrete examples that will show people that you're not being paranoid?

Robert Hastings: I went out on the lecture circuit for the first time in September of 81 and spoke at I believe 16 schools between September and the end of the year ... okay and in my audiences at various schools around the country veterans would come up to me and say I know what you're talking about I was involved this that and the other. I would say can wetalk about this on the phone when I get off the lecture circuit you know I'll be home early next year 82 and some said yes some said no, but I did interview a handful of veterans uh from home over the phone and tape the conversations with their permission, uh in most cases in some cases they didn't want them taped, but anyway they were telling me about what they had witnessed at various missile bases through the through the years and um after each one of those calls this was primarily in February of 82 I would talk to them, thank them, hang up the phone within a minute or five or 10 the phone would ring I would pick it up and there would be nothing but heavy breathing in the phone

Jesse Michels: That's creepy


Ammar Kandi: Feels like in the past five to seven years there's been a like a lot of vindication for your work and and and for you know people who are active in service to be confirming the things that you were you know telling the public in you know late '90s and early 2000s how does that feel to now see it you know to see Lue on Joe Rogan showing, showing Joe like the Montana documents um I don't recall whether we discussed this yesterday but um in uh the the the New York Times article that came out in

Robert Hastings: Um, I don't recall whether we discussed this yesterday but um, in uh, the, the the New York Times article that came out in December of 2017, uh, Leslie Kean Ralph Blumenthal hat basically exposed ATIP to the world um, in the article they mentioned that atip Scientific Advisor was Dr. Hal Puthoff, and I was shocked because in 2005 uh, I reached out to him to help me write a chapter in my book on faster than light travel I knew that he had done a peer-reviewed paper on it, so um, and then in '08 when the first edition of UFOs and nukes came out he suddenly wrote to me and said I need four copies of the book shipped overnight and I checked into it it was going to be $115.00 and I got back to him and said said you know what's the rush that's a lot of money just let me send it Media Mail and he said Robert, uh, day after tomorrow I have a meeting with some movers and shakers in Washington and I'm going to distribute your book, and what I didn't know until this was this was December of '08, what I didn't know until January of 18, uh, once the New York Times story came out, uh, Hal had given copies of my book to the ATIP members at least Lou and it turns out, uh, Senator Harry Reid was given a copy now just last December of 23 George knapp interviewed me for a Netflix documentary that's coming up and before we he started asking me questions he said are you aware that Harry Reid had read your book and it was one of the reasons he had sought funding for AAWSAP, and I said,, you know, really? And he said he told me that point blank, and, um, you know there were a number of reasons that he felt that there had to be a new UFO investigation, but apparently the witness testimony contained in my book was one of the reasons that he decided that had to be done, uh, sooner rather than later. So that feels good to know it feels good to know ...

Jesse Michels: That should be vindicating

Robert Hastings: You know I mean I'm 74 years old and it just seemed like decades have gone by where not much progress has been made in terms of public awareness, I mean I've spoken at over 500 colleges and universities so those people were in on my work, the local media who covered the program were in on my work, but the national media for decades avoided me like the plague, they, you know, I'd send press releases out no one covered me at all, uh, so finally in just the last five years I'm getting the sense that hey you know it wasn't it was it was worth all the time and effort that I put into it so, yeah, it feels good.

Jesse Michels: And, and, it's, it's interesting we're going to get into some of the deeper roots as to how you got attracted to all the UFOs stuff but you know the nominal story in UFOs and Nukes at least is that you're were a janitor and your father was stationed at Malmstrom base in '67 and you were learning about Radar Theory and you know radar operator calls you over you see these unknowns ...

Robert Hastings: Right.

Jesse Michels: ... I think in many ways Hal Puthoff has a similar story where he sort of stumbled upon the UFO stuff. He ran the CIA's psychic spy program and I think a lot of these remote viewers would see beings you know in various places on you know the Dark Side of the Moon in Ingo Swann's case you know elsewhere, and Joseph McMoneagle saw bases on earth.

Robert Hastings: Right.

Jesse Michels: ... and I think that got him up to speed on okay maybe there's some other presences out here. He then joins, this is the part of the story people don't really know, he then joined something called the Advanced Theoretical Physics group, ATP group, and it was him and Oke Shannon who was, uh, you know, a physics lead at Los Alamos Project Lead there, um, John Alexander who has a long history in this and I think is sort of maybe tied in with the DOE or something, and they're all sort of studying and I think Eric Davis probably joined later, and they're all studying you know the physics of UFOs, like how would this stuff actually work theoretically and I think Puthoff figured out a lot, and I think he's much deeper than people realize on the actual science of this stuff.

Robert Hastings: Somewhere, well I saw a video and I think it was McMoneagle ...

Jesse Michels: Yes

Robert Hastings: ... um was called to the Pentagon one day and was told to go to this room and he goes in he said it was like a broom closet but it had a table in it so he sat down and if I remember the story correctly someone came in and said we want you to use remote viewing for this site and the story is that he basically saw a UFO hovering over a nuclear missile, which I thought was pretty interesting so ...

Jesse Michels: Joseph McMoneagle for people that don't know, has done more televised remote viewings than anybody in the world. He was known as, uh, uh, remote viewer number one.

Robert Hastings: Wow.

Jesse Michels: And he was, you know, the most talented and most consistent psychic spy for the Stargate program. Also talk about this stuff running in families he happens to be the nephew of Robert Monroe, who is doing all sorts of consciousness studies they, you know, still has in his namesake the Monroe Center in Virginia ... named after him and and, uh, McMoneagle lives in Faber Virginia right, right around there. And I remember being on the phone with Joseph mcmonagle once, and, he was saying you know, yeah it's crazy you know that the ET stuff is definitely real he was giving me all this interesting evidence and talking about the remote viewing stuff and then he said something that I will never forget, uh, he said that ... I think we might be turning into these ET's or something. They might be sort of prompting us to turn into some of them.

[Clip of Michael Masters on a previous interview with Jesse Michels]: "I can't help but wonder if we're on the precipice of massive revolution in human consciousness. Where we either evolve there together or we bifurcate, and still evolved there, but in a very different way."

Robert Hastings: [Clip from Hasting's UFO and Nukes Conference at the National Press Club]: "We will have our minds expanded there will be a paradigm shift. Traditional institutions such as religions, governments, other social institutions may indeed by threaten, be threatened by what is coming. That is just a logical consequence of what is about to occur."

Jesse Michels: I want to thank the legendary Robert Hastings for his multi-decade long, tireless, dedication to telling the stories of these Brave Patriots who just want a broader surface on an ontological truth that is global, ubiquitous and should not be classified. But Hastings exists in a tradition of other researchers who have called out the UFO nuclear connection before him some of whom will not see the vindication that Hastings will see in his lifetime.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

President Jimmy Carter's UFO Probe – What If

President Jimmy Carter's UFO Probe – What If -

Crashing at the Intersection of Improbability Avenue and What-If? Street

     Former President James Earl Carter has passed away (1924-2024), destined to be remembered as much for his administration's troubled policies as for his charitable pursuits and legendary efforts in building homes with Habitat for Humanity for four decades as a former Chief Executive.

After the press began reporting about Carter's alleged UFO sighting prior to his election, rumors began to swirl about a potential new UFO study being initiated by the Carter White House, once he claimed the Oval Office.
Robert Barrow -
By Robert Barrow
The UFO Chronicles

However, throughout Carter's only term no publicly displayed UFO project came about, though some interesting UFO documentation did emerge in publications released via Congress.

In recent years my comments relating to Democrats have not been kind, but during Carter's era, pretty much my last time fully respecting a Democrat President, his integrity, honesty and faith inspired me.

Also inspiring -- and inspired -- was former Democrat congressional representative James Hanley, a funeral director by trade (and refreshingly, for something different, not the almost obligatory attorney known to haunt Congress in great quantities). Throughout much of the 1960s and seventies, as he served eight terms as a congressman, his office had been the recipient of my numerous letters regarding the need for a comprehensive UFO investigation.

Rep. James M. Hanley Letter to Robert Barrow - 12-15-1976
Rep. James M. Hanley -
Rep.James M. Hanley

Knowing of my interest and then expressed desire to assist the Carter administration, should a hopefully open UFO project be initiated, Hanley went full-blown congressional recommendation on my behalf. Picking up the mail on the day when his and the Carter transition team's letters arrived was simply incredible for me.

Of course, no such public project surfaced, and as some suspected while others new, the government was already and always aware of the UFO phenomenon, though the scientific approach needed an injection of people and equipment calculated to learn, if possible, the intricacies of this enigma.

What role might I have played, had a project come about? Well, armed with only a liberal college education with a major in communication arts -- and in no way in possession of extensive scientific credentials -- I believe I would have been content just to sweep the floor, empty trash baskets and maintain an awareness of what key staff members were thinking and doing.

Letter to Rep Hanley to From Frank Moore (Re Robert Barrow) - 12-6-1976 -

Decades later, UFO research has become acceptable, even urgent (particularly in regard to near-approaches by "UAP" to conventional aircraft), bolstered by confessed government interest. In this respect, I'm happy to know that the UFO has at last achieved scientific respectability -- really the only goal most researchers and investigators ever desired from the start. As for Congressman Hanley, I remain impressed to this day how he refused to let what surely must have involved ridicule from his colleagues drive him away from a legitimate scientific mystery and an enthusiastic constituent.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

New Counter-Drone Task Force to Team with Pentagon UFO Office

New Counter-Drone Task Force to Team with Pentagon UFO Office -

The legislation would require the department's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office to liaise with a new "C-UAS Task Force."

     The conferenced version of the fiscal 2025 National Defense Authorization Act would require the Pentagon office charged with investigating unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) to partner with a new counter-drone task force that lawmakers want the U.S. military to establish.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

UFO Lands Near Minuteman Missile Base – Strike Team Deployed! (1966)

UFO Lands Near Minuteman Missile Base – F-106 Interceptor Scrambled -

Shaw, Chester A. Jr., Major, USAF, Base Director of Operations.

Comments: Capt Smith (Missile Combat Crew Commander) on duty at Missile Site (MIKE FLT) sixty (60) feet underground indicated that radio transmission was being interrupted by static, this static was accompanied by the UFO coming close to Missile Site (MIKE FLT). When UFO climbed, static stopped.

     The UFO appeared to be S.E. of MIKE 6, range undetermined. At 0512z, UFO climbed for altitude after hovering for 15 minutes. South Radar base gave altitude as 100,000 feet, N.W. of Minot AFB, NDak. At this time a strike team reported UFO descending, checked with Radar Site they also verified this.
By Major Chester Shaw

The UFO then began to swoop and dive. It then appeared to land 10 to 15 miles South of MIKE 6. "MIKE 6" Missile Site Control sent a strike team to check. When the team was about 10 miles from the landing sight [sic], static disrupted radio contact with them. Five (5) to eight (8) minutes later, the glow diminished and the UFO took off.

Another UFO was visually sighted and confirmed by radar. The one that was first sighted passed beneath the second. Radar also confirmed this. The first, made for altitude toward the North and the second seemed to disappear with a glow of red. A3C SEDOVIC at South Radar base confirmed this also.

At 0619Z, two and one half (2 1/2) hours after first sighting, an F-106 interceptor was sent up. No contact or sighting was established. The Control Tower asked Aircraft Commander of a KC-135 which was flying in the local area to check the area. He reported nothing. The Radar Site picked up an echo on radar which on checking was the KC-135. No other sightings. At 0645z discontinued search for UFO.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

UFOs and Nukes Researcher Robert Hastings to Appear on Coast to Coast AM

UFOs and Nukes Researcher Robert Hastings to Appear on Coast to Coast AM -

     I will be interviewed on Coast to Coast AM by journalist George Knapp this Sunday, November 17th, at 10 p.m. Pacific Time. During the two-hour segment, I will be discussing testimony provided to me by US Air Force veterans who were involved in UFO-related incidents at nuclear weapons sites over the years.

Some of those individuals—former ICBM launch officers—have reported occasions when a UFO temporarily activated their missiles, requiring them to flip an “Inhibit Switch” to disrupt the unauthorized launch countdown sequence. (In 1994, Knapp surreptitiously secured still-classified Soviet Army documents confirming at least one such UFO-caused missile-activation incident in the USSR, in 1982.)
Robert Hastings -
By Robert Hastiongs
The UFO Chronicles

Other retired USAF officers who I’ve interviewed have revealed incidents when their missiles suddenly dropped offline during a UFO incursion, thereby rendering them completely inoperable. In short, UFOs—or UAPs, as the US government now refers to them—have demonstrated a longstanding, widespread, and ongoing surveillance of, and occasional interference with, nuclear weapons.

In the spring of 2023, the Defense Department’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) interviewed eleven of “my” veterans who I had introduced to the group at AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick’s request. During the Knapp interview Sunday night I will be discussing what occurred during and following those interactions. Spoiler alert: Ultimately, the veterans were extremely unhappy about the outcome.

UFOs and Nukes -
UFOs & Nukes (ad)

Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo has publicly confirmed the existence of a UFO-Nukes Connection in several interviews and podcasts over the past few years and, most recently, referred to ongoing UAP interference with America’s “nuclear equities” during his testimony before Congress earlier this week.

My research findings are summarized in my book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, which is available in print/ebook and audiobook formats.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Renowned UFO & Nukes Researcher, Robert Hastings — Interview with News Nation

Renowned UFO & Nukes Researcher, Robert Hastings Interview — News Nation -

"... this object moved up between his group, his group of 10 missiles to the next group to the next group, to the next group and over the space of about an hour virtually every group of missile called a flight of 10 missiles was visited by this object …"

     Ross Coulthart sits down with UAP/UFO researcher Robert Hastings to dive deep into claims UAPs and nuclear weapons are connected, government comments about UAPs and what Hastings says he's experienced with nonhumans.

By Ross Coulthart
News Nation
Did aliens trigger several missiles in the 1960s that could have started World War III? Hastings says the government and military members were terrified, and it was kept a secret for decades.

Ross Coulthart: Hello and welcome back to Reality Check. Well this week we have a guest I've been wanting to get on for years. He's one of the giants of UAP, UFO research, Robert Hastings. The man who exposed the connection between the nukes, that we have, nuclear weapons, nuclear facilities, nuclear power plants and you UAPS. And today he's going to explain how he came to the conclusion there's a link, but before I bring him in I want to paint you a word picture; imagine a 16 17y old boy sweeping the floors at the air traffic control tower at malstrom Air Force Base in 1967. That was young Robert Hastings and he worked there because his dad worked as a US Air Force officer on the base and in the course of one evening he was summoned across to a radar screen by a friendly air traffic controller who pointed him to various targets on his screen. They were anomalous objects doing extraordinary things. And from that moment on Robert Hastings was hooked and thankfully that was the case, because Robert has provided us with probably one of the most invaluable pieces pieces of research into the UAP phenomenon. It's his work that has cracked an area wide open, validated with corroborated US Air Force and other military documents, a secret that the US Air Force has been at pains to try to conceal for 60 or 70 years, the indubitable link between UFOs and nuclear weapons. Robert Hastings welcome to Reality Check!

Sir, did you ever find out what those objects were on that radar screen that you saw as a teenage boy when you saw them being tracked on the malstrom Air Force based screens?

Robert Hastings: Uh, the FAA controller who pointed them out to me on his screen screen, uh man named Bob grasser, uh simply said these were unknown targets. I was walking by emptying his trash can in a place called RAPCON Radar Approach Control and um we had had previous conversations about radar. He knew me, he knew I was interested in radar and for whatever reason he just kind of nonchalantly said we're tracking "unknown targets" or whatever words he used and I recall after this many years getting very excited and peppering him with questions and I think he kind of did a double take and and realized I was drawing attention to us [laughs] from the other controllers in the room and he kind of backed off and said why don't you come back later and clean up. Well I cleaned the rest of the tower. About two hours worth of work and when I returned to RAPCON he clearly did not want to talk about it, uh I worked every other day and uh two days later I caught him in the breakroom and I said were you tracking UFOs the other night and again he clearly did not want to talk about it. However, uh my father who by the way was a senior master sergeant not an officer uh worked at the NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command Radar facility on base called The Sage Building, part of a a international network with Canada US and Canada. He worked right in the military radar building and I went home that night and was very excited and you said I you know I think the radar you know tracking of UFOs went on tonight, I'm not sure. Unbeknownst to me he made inquiries at work and a few days later he confirmed that norad's facility did track the objects and that the rumor going around was that they were maneuvering near nuclear missile sites. These were bonafide UFOs. So that kicked everything off for me, your correct.


Monday, October 14, 2024

The True Story of the Roswell UFO Incident – “Unsolved Mysteries”

The True Story of the Roswell UFO Incident – “Unsolved Mysteries” -

"I believe that the military experienced the recovery of an alien spacecraft. It’s where the evidence is leading us," Randle claimed in the episode. "The Air Force says they have no evidence it was extraterrestrial. I think that the files were gathered up and are in a different repository hidden deep in the archives of the government and therefore there was no paper trail to it."


It's been nearly 80 years since the Roswell incident, and there are countless theories about what was found in New Mexico. Ufologists Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, who have been trying to uncover
By Samantha Stutsman
the truth since 1989, believe Roswell is the "one case that could solve the entire UFO mystery overnight." Their findings about an alleged government cover-up are documented in Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, volume 5, episode 4.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Image Released of Mysterious UFO Shot Down

Image Released of Mysterious UFO Shot Down -

      An image of the unidentified object shot down over Canada's Yukon territory in February 2023 has been obtained by

Released through a Canadian freedom of information request, the grainy image appears to be a photocopy of an email printout.
By Daniel Otis

Heavily redacted documents show how the image was approved for public distribution within days of the headline-grabbing incident, but then held back after a public affairs official expressed concerns that releasing it "may create more questions/confusion."

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Elizondo's 'Imminent' Stands Alone

Elizondo's 'Imminent' Stands Alone -

“Senior officials told me continuously and confidentially that big aerospace companies have been part of the Legacy Program to retrieve and reverse-engineer crash materials ..."

     “Well, I got a couple of thousand damn questions, you know? I want to speak to someone in charge. I want to lodge a complaint. You have no right to make people crazy. . . What the hell is going on around here? Who the hell ARE you people?” — from “CE-III”

Since Lue Elizondo’s just-released memoir is already a New York Times No. 1 bestseller, it’s easy to imagine the big-screen treatment opening with a replay of a closing scene from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”
Billy Cox -
Billy Cox

The little alien is greeting Earthlings with Curwen hand gestures that groove to the movie’s five-note tonal signature. ET’s huge eyes glisten with emotion, and his/her/its facial expression lays it on thick with beatific awe. The camera pulls away as human volunteers suit up and file aboard for the ride of a lifetime.

Before the grand finale, however, the fairy tale ending jumps the rails. The film stutters, then shrivels amid white-orange heat, and cuts to a nightmare unfolding in Colares, Brazil. The small coastal village and surrounding locales are under assault by UFOs, of all shapes and sizes, orbs, discs, cylinders, you name it, triangles. Disembodied lights chase residents inside their own homes. The afflicted break out in blisters and rashes; others endure nausea, blinding headaches, puncture wounds, abduction, temporary paralysis, catatonia.

Government investigators descend on the region to document the chaos, compiling as many as 3,500 case files. By one estimate, the incidents leave 300 animals dead, dozens of victims with chronic illnesses, and claim the lives of 10 Brazilians. Authorities are at a loss to identify the aggressors or their motives, and no one is held accountable.

In 1977, as “Close Encounters” was thrilling the global village in theaters, this real-life flip side of Steven Spielberg’s space-brothers fantasy was happening simultaneously, under the radar, in South America. But the repercussions from those events hadn’t been fully realized until last week’s publication of Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs.

Anticipated in growing circles with the fervor of a Harry Potter book-drop, Imminent fills in some of the blanks on the secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which the NY Times parlayed into a groundbreaking expose in 2017. But as the handiwork of censors’ pens at the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review indicates, there’s more to the story than we’re allowed to know.

Page Snippet From Elizondo's Book -

In this latest installment on the Pentagon’s twisted relationship with infinitely advanced nonhuman technology, former counterintelligence agent and AATIP director Lue Elizondo goes big from the outset.

More than 30 years have passed since “Close Encounters,” and in 2009, Elizondo gets recruited by U.S. Strategic Command intelligence officer Jay Stratton for an opaque assignment. A former Army combat veteran with counterintelligence experience in “locking down” classified defense technology from foreign spies, Elizondo will create a secure space for a mysterious project called the Advanced Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP). But it falls to a senior Defense Intelligence Agency analyst named James Lacatski to read him in on it.

For two years AAWSAP sponsored a secret UFO study set for termination in 2010 by squeamish higher-ups at the Pentagon. Undeterred, Stratton and Lacatski, a rocket scientist, hatched a successor called AATIP. It would be funded by resources under the broad umbrella of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, or ISR. Keeping it alive would require discretion and finesse.

Elizondo signs on, but he doesn’t get the full monty until attending an informal private dinner meeting off-site. Guests include remote-viewing pioneer physicist Hal Puthoff, hotel tycoon/aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow (the prime contractor leading AAWSAP’s UFO investigation) and Brazilian Gen. Paulo Roberto Yog de Miranda Uchoa.

And that’s when Elizondo learns about the hair-raising scenes from Colares in the 1970s.

This is the stage-setter for Elizondo’s immersion into the wild-ass behavioral range of the phenomenon. What begins as a catch-up course into the military’s long dyspeptic history with the UFO/UAP enigma rachets into a full-spectrum assessment of the challenge it poses not only to national security, but for the human race at large.

And those blue-chip suspects . . .

Elizondo’s work with AATIP soon puts him on the scent of even more deeply concealed UFO projects. And these “Legacy Programs,” he charges, have been working the problem for generations, beginning with the Roswell crash in 1947.

“Senior officials told me continuously and confidentially that big aerospace companies have been part of the Legacy Program to retrieve and reverse-engineer crash materials,” he writes. “The big names included Lockheed Martin, TRW, McDonnell Douglas, Northrup Grumman, Boeing, Raytheon, BAE Systems, and the Aerospace Corporation, all of which have been principal members of the US military-industrial complex. I was also told that Monsanto, a biotechnology corporation absorbed by Bayer in 2018, may have historically been involved, most likely dealing with biological specimens.”

Retired DIA program manager Lacatski himself has independently contributed considerable detail to the back story. He co-authored Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders’ Account of the Secret Government UFO Program in 2021, and in 2023’s Inside the U.S. Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations, he claimed to have personally “gained access” to the interior of a recovered craft. But Lacatski stepped up only after Elizondo left the reservation seven years ago and made history with the NY Times.

Operating quietly for the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSD(I)), AATIP’s collective blood ran cold during a presentation by physicist Puthoff, whose intelligence work for the Pentagon spans decades. Working the math on a whiteboard, the CEO of EarthTech International unveiled a formula for UFO propulsion that operates entirely within the laws of general relativity. By using high energy to compress space into a “warp bubble” that can be wrapped around an object, said object can move freely without being encumbered by gravity, light speed, the environment, etc.

“It is no longer a theoretical challenge,” Puthoff informed his small audience. “It is now a technological challenge.”

Recalls Elizondo: “The voices in the SCIF went silent — and stayed silent.”

If in fact physics is on the brink of a technological breakthrough, nobody has a monopoly on the math. Given the murderous history of our species, engineering that math into weapons platforms would be the first order of business. In that event, a level playing field would obviously threaten technologically superior observers keeping tabs on our progress. A threat of that nature would lend more coherence to their motivations; government files, after all, are crammed with reports of UFO interactions with military assets, from drones to nukes to jet fighters to aircraft carriers to restricted infrastructure.

How might “they” respond if we cross that threshold?

Dispensing with ‘compromised individuals’

“The worst-case scenario for us is that they’re bad,” Elizondo writes. “If they’re bad, they could be conducting what the military calls an IBP operation – initial preparation of the battlefield.”

Stratton proposes a “honey pot” experiment, dubbed Operation Interloper, to acquire more data that might ultimately expose their vulnerabilities. The bait would be a nuclear-powered strike group – carriers, destroyers, subs, many of them with histories of UFO interactions – dispatched on maneuvers in the Atlantic. The fleet would be armed to the teeth with the latest innovations in sensor technology; given UFOs’ patterns for operating above and below oceans, the ambush stands to reap a windfall of knowledge.

With OUSD(I) “infested with compromised individuals,” according to Imminent, Stratton and Elizondo decide to circumvent the chain of command and run the Interloper proposal straight up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The inevitable brick wall dashes those aspirations at the end of 2016, when JCS rejects the idea. “Where I saw a bold initiative to make sense of what our servicemen and -women witnessed in the skies,” Elizondo writes, “leadership saw a great bucket of weirdness that was not within their usual daily list of tasks.”

What follows is a masterclass on the art of legal subterfuge.

Hoping to pre-empt catastrophic communications failures that preceded Pearl Harbor and 9/11, Elizondo in Imminent describes AATIP’s plan for the official verification and release of the Navy’s now-iconic Tic Tac, GoFast, and Gimbal videos. There’s a critical assist from rainmaker and former Deputy Assistant SecDef for Intelligence Christoper Mellon. Then comes an unlikely private platform from rock star Tom DeLonge, called To The Stars Academy, which enables a public discussion. It culminates in a media strategy to unclog the bureaucratic stovepipes, if only briefly.

The payoff results in unprecedented — and continuing — congressional legislation to excavate the truth behind the coverup. The fate of those endeavors, however, is pending.

Pulling the trigger by taking it to the press is also a kamikaze move that requires a proactive resignation from a career Elizondo loved. Imminent details its aftermath, the professional retaliation, its impact on his family, and the loss of income that has led to a still unsettled lifestyle. As for the “great bucket of weirdness” the DoD leadership so rigidly shrugs off? It continues to slosh over the edges, with or without Pentagon approval.

In a 2022 analysis for the EdgeScience journal, microbiologist and chemist Colm Kelleher – who co-authored Lacatski’s two books – wrote of a “hitchhiker effect” that can sometimes rattle paranormal researchers. He classifies the consequences for many of those who studied UFOs and related oddities at Bigelow’s “Skinwalker Ranch” in Utah as “profoundly altered perceptual environments.” But the particulars read more like notes from John Carpenter’s scratchpad:

“Nightmarish dogmen,” “black shadow people standing over their beds,” “orbs routinely floating through their homes,” and an “inferno of unexplained phenomena.” Furthermore, Kelleher wrote, all five DIA investigators who pursued anomalies out west reported experiencing spectral pop-ups long after they completed their field work. Some families and neighbors of the researchers also talked of seeing apparitions, a development Kelleher likened to a social contagion.
When the fairy tales end

Once he committed to joining AATIP, the Imminent author wasn’t spared either. Soft green, basketball-sized orbs began materializing in the hallways of his home and disappearing through walls. Elizondo’s wife and kids saw them as well.

“Was this some sort of adversarial technology being used to conduct surveillance against my family and me? Or worse,” he writes, “was this all part of the UAP issue? Maybe another more advanced intelligence was looking into me and my colleagues because they knew we were looking into them?”

Imminent thus becomes the latest addition to an immense and expanding UFO corpus, but it is arguably its most exceptional. In the foreword, Mellon characterizes Elizondo as “a singular individual whose intrepid actions changed the course of history.”

“Absent Lue’s persistence and courage,” he continues, “the US government would still be denying the existence of UAP and failing to investigate a phenomenon that may well prove to be the greatest discovery in history.”

Time will decide that – just as it may reveal whether the terror in Colares was an outlier or an indicator of more authentic intention by an Other we want to believe is benevolent or, at worst, apathetic. We are a dangerously insecure species addicted to fairy tales. But as Imminent makes clear, we are also in dire need of leaders with enough guts to tell us when they’re over.


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