Thursday, October 20, 2022

Did UFO Crash in Valley in '47?

Did UFO Crash in Valley in '47

Selman Graves says he saw "a large aluminum dome-shaped thing" after it landed on the hill in the background. The house (top) is where the aliens were kept frozen for a while, he says.
     Fat clouds drag saucer-shaped shadows over the desert and an old ranch house in Cave Creek obscured by mesquite and paloverde trees.

Inside, 73-year-old Selman Graves looks around a small, dank
By Thomas Ropp
The Arizona Republic
basement filled with horse tack hanging from rafters like strips of meat. As his eyes adjust, he finds what he's looking for, the bare spot near the door where Walt Sayer used to keep his freezer.

Even though fifty years have passed, Graves cannot forget the freezer or the two humanoids that may have been inside.

It's been a half-century since the "Incident" at Roswell, N.M., as well, what UFO believers point to as the most infamous crash of an unidentified flying object and government cover-up. But Arizona, the center of national attention recently over a UFO flap in March, may have had its own Roswell, three months after the New Mexico Incident.


  1. Graves is described in Timothy Good's book "Above Top Secret", relating Frank Scully's account: "former businessman and private pilot Selman E. Graves, who witnessed part of the recovery operation with two friends". The book has much more to add (and is cheap on Kindle Books).

  2. David,

    Timothy also interviewed him (although the audio is terrible).



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