The brother of Travis Walton, who has been missing
since he was purportedly struck by "a ray of bluish light" [from a
flying saucer] last week, told authorities today he had found Walton and
was taking him to a private hospital. |
By Casa Grande Dispatch
11-11-1975 |
Walton told the sheriff that "he had picked up his brother last night. He said he got a call from him (Travis Walton) in the Heber area, picked him up and was taking him into a hospital. We think it might be in Tucson, but we're not even sure of that, “a deputy said.
The deputy said Walton had said he would call the sheriff again today and "give us more particulars on that. He said his brother was in a very confused state and they (the family) were concerned about his mental health. They were taking him to a private hospital."
Walton's mother, Mrs. Mary Kellet, had said Monday though her son Duane that she believed her son was carried off in a spacecraft and that further search for him was futile.
Goulette described the object as about 15 feet in diameter and 8 to 10 feet thick. He said it was about 15 feet above and 20 yards from their truck. He said it had no windows, but had what appeared to be darker "dividers" outlined in a dim, yellowish glow.
Goulette said the beam came from the bottom of the object, "in a saucer shape, just like you'd see in a movie.
"It hit him like a jolt," Goulette said.
Travis Walton at least at that time was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. As members we’ve known since 1830 about life on other planets and who’s visiting our planet. As children we learn to decipher good and bad messengers/entities if we ever engage with them. It’s been a great blessing in my life while researching the phenomena to know some basic truths in life from scriptures and revelations in figuring out the big picture. Getting very close.