Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Blinding UFO Shuts Down Texas Cars | UFO CHRONICLE – 1957

Blinding 'Flying Saucer' Stops Texas Motorcars - Indianapolis Star, The 11-4-1957

     A mysterious egg-shaped object, red as a blinding, setting sun and faster than the speed of sound, streaked over west Texas and New Mexico Saturday night and early yesterday, and one man said he even saw it sitting in the highway.

By The Indianapolis Star
The 11-4-1957
James A. Lee of Abilene, Tex., who is a member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, rushed here to investigate and said he will send a report to Washington.


THE MOST graphic description came from Jesse D. Long of Waco, Tex., who said the object killed the engine of his automobile and put out his headlights.

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