The striking sighting occurred on Wednesday morning in a locality of the district of La Matanza (Buenos Aires) | By Inexplicata 4-17-19 |
The man, a resident of Laferre, told Cronica.com.ar. that the recorded object came from another planet.
"I saw it with a friend. We were at his house. It was he who alerted me to the presence of a strange, pipe-shaped object in the sky," he said.
Caminada was startled by the unconventional shape of the object and remarked: "It crossed the sky in a very distinctive manner. It was elongated, tube-shaped, made no noise and spun quickly."
In the end, Fernando declared: "I began recording it and it vanished from one minute to the next. I never saw anything like it in the area."
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[Translation (c) 2019 S. Corrales, IHU and with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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