According to the report, three beings debarked from the smaller ship and approached to within 12 yards of him. He said he froze, a doubled-edged axe in his hand. | By Virginian News 1-23-1965 |
"They seemed to look through you", he said.
He said they uttered sounds which were unintelligible to him, then turned around and walked back to the craft from which they had emerged. A door opened, according to the report, and the three entered. The door closed and the opening "seemed to mold itself to the ship" – there was no evidence of a door after it had closed.
See Also:
UFO 'Landing' Investigated by Air National Guard | UFO CHRONICLE – 9/17/1966
Socorro: The UFO Landing Heard Around the World
Landing of an Alien Spaceship Documented By Prince Philip’s Uncle
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