Saturday, March 30, 2019

Former U.S. Intelligence Officials to Investigate UFOs In New History Channel Series

Former U.S. Intelligence Officials to Investigate UFOs In New History Channel Series

Former high-level officials will investigate UFOs in new
limited History channel non-fiction series launching in May.

      The History channel recently announced a limited non-fiction UFO investigation series featuring officials who have held positions at the highest level of government, including a man who before recently retiring ran an ongoing secretive UFO project at the Pentagon. The show is called Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, and is set to premiere in May.

According to Luis Elizondo, the former military intelligence agent
Alejandro Rojas
By Alejandro Rojas
in charge of the UFO program, the show will give us much sought after insight into some incredible cases his project investigated while at the Pentagon.

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