Monday, August 20, 2018

Alien Abductee, Calvin Parker Breaks Silence | Pascagoula Incident – VIDEO

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Alien Abductee, Calvin Parker Break Silence | Pascagoula Incident – VIDEO
ON October 11 1973 Calvin Parker, then 19, was fishing with his mate Charlie on the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, when he was abducted by aliens.

     Over four decades later and Calvin – who has written a book about his spooky experience – was ready to tell his story to This Morning presenters Lisa Snowdon and Nigel Havers.
By Jazmin Duribe

The This Morning duo were filling in for Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes.

"We were going fishing and we'd got off work at the shipyard and while we were fishing we saw some blue, hazy lights from behind us," Calvin explained.

"It was just really bright lights coming out and that's when three aliens or beings of some kind come out of the craft, two of them got hold of Charlie and myself.

"And they floated over – they didn't walk, they floated. I was scared and I was looking for a place to run but there was water all around me."


  1. The Pascagoula Abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker is a well documented UFO case. I've always heard of Hickson's account of the story and never of Parker's. I know he suffered a mental break down and a failed marriage due to his experience. It's interesting to hear is account of the the events that transpired

  2. Excellent case testimony coming forward
    Many more should come out of the closET


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