Thursday, April 26, 2018

Occupants of Downed Alien Craft Spoke to Witness in German | UFO CHRONICLE – 1957

Occupants of Downed Alien Craft Spoke to Witness in German - W. Telegram 11-8-1957

     A traveler in Nebraska says he saw and talked last night with the ordinary-appearing occupants of an apparent spaceship.
By W. Telegram

Reinhold O. Schmidt, 48, of Bakersfield, Ca. came, into Kearney, Nebraska, white-faced and shaken and asked to see a minister.

He told of talking with six occupants of a transparent "spaceship" parked for repairs outside town, and stuck to the story through repeated questioning by authorities.

1 comment :

  1. Thank you, an amazing account. It was interesting to follow up on his encounter. The beings returned and questioned him about the crash of Pan American flight 7, which turned out to be carrying radioactive material and was co-piloted by
    William H. Fortenberry a witness to a rather famous UFO encounter. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, it's much appreciated.


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