Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Paranormal Radio Host and the Money Scandal - Pt 2

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The Paranormal Radio Host and a Money Scandal - Pt 2

Gene Steinberg Personal 'Emergency' Cash Solicitations
Span Years, Hundreds of Emails

     Gene Steinberg solicited cash donations from an e-list hundreds of times since 2014 and earlier, including 139 emails during 2017, for circumstances framed as financial emergencies. Screenshots of subject lines of many of the emails are posted below. A list of the 2017 emails by subject line and date is provided at the end of this post.

The dozens of 2017 messages continued what has become an ongoing story of financial destitution narrated for years by the host of The Paracast. The money, according to Steinberg's emails, was needed for such personal expenses as rent, utilities, and groceries, often described as crises and nightmares. The emails contained a
Jack Brewer
By Jack Brewer
The UFO Trail
PayPal link and instructions for sending funds, as has been the case in years past.

Steinberg messages to the e-list from 2016, with December through July followed by June to January:

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