Wednesday, January 17, 2018

O'Hare UFO Eye Witness Appears in Silhouette on CNN | VIDEO (Redux)

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O'Hare UFO Eye Witness Appears in Silhouette on CNN

     Mainstream media’s interest in the “O’Hare UFO Incident” hasn’t waned yet; the latest to jump in on the UFO bandwagon was/is Anderson Cooper of “Anderson Cooper 360°” aired by CNN.

Interesting to note that on CNN’s web-site for Cooper’s show, it’s described as follows:
“ . . . a fast-moving, surprising and provocative alternative to the typical network evening newscast. Backed by the global resources of CNN.”
Frank Warren
By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
For this particular episode nothing could be further from the truth; this broadcast couldn’t be anymore typical in regards to the media’s handling of the UFO subject, certainly wasn’t provocative, and by no means was a surprise! Moreover, if skeptic Joe Nickell is considered to be one of CNN’s "global resources,” then one can imagine the caliber of this particular segment!

To be honest, up until now, I have looked at Anderson Cooper as a breath of fresh air in regards to television journalism; I must admit I was anticipating at the very least a serious look into the matter; however, Cooper followed the same path as those before him (historically speaking) in making light of the incident. This by the way is concerning an “unidentified, unauthorized aircraft” directly over the second busiest airport in our nation; witnessed by several airport personnel! All this in a post 911 world during a period when our nation is at war!

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