A GIANT triangular UFO “100 times bigger than a plane” that emerged on the Tablelands on the weekend has shocked a young family. | Daniel Bateman The Cairns Post 8-29-16 |
“I notice one light up in the sky and it was way, way too big to be a star,” Mr Mathiot said.
“I went to get my partner’s phone, and started taking pictures of it and all of a sudden there was another two lights, and it was in the shape of a triangle, with a big light up the front and another two lights up the back.”
Mr Mathiot, 21, took several photos of the aircraft as it hovered in the same place for about half an hour before it disappeared.
“It was zipping around like no plane or drone we’ve ever seen,” he said.
“The lights were about two centimetres apart in the sky.
“It had to be a massive object. ...
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See Also:
Triangle UFO Reported Hovering Over Indiana Town
Radar Confirms Navy Pilot Being 'Buzzed' by UFOs – Australia | UFO CHRONICLE - 1954
Low Flying Triangular-Shaped UFO Caught on Video Over Rancho Cordova, CA
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