A Georgia witness at Woodbine reported watching a silver disc UFO hovering under 30 feet off the ground along the Satilla River near I-95, according to testimony in Case 78596 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was driving northbound along I-95 just past the Woodbine exit near the Satilla River at 4:30 p.m. on August 20, 2016, when the incident occurred. |
“I saw a huge silver, highly polished disc hovering over the marsh next to the treeline about 20-30 feet off the ground,” the witness stated. “The object seemed to be as big as a minivan.” ...
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See Also:
Georgia UFO Sightings Continue
Rectangle UFO Spotted Over Georgia
Cigar-Shaped UFO Photographed Over Canton, Georgia
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