An Iowa witness at Cedar Falls reported watching a silent, triangle-shaped UFO moving in a straight line overhead that appeared to cloak itself, according to testimony in Case 72695 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The sighting occurred at 9:02 p.m. on November 19, 2015, during a clear evening with no clouds and temperatures in the mid-30s.
“Went out to have a smoke and noticed a movement to my right peripheral side vision in the star-filled sky,” the witness stated.“Saw what appeared as a fuzzy outline of a V-formation or triangle craft directly above. Hard to discern it as it appeared slightly lighter than the dark background sky, fuzzy edges with a translucent appearance.”
The witness stated that the object was very difficult to see unless you were looking right at it.
“No lights, no sound and its glide path was to the south-southeast. Watched it for five-to-six seconds before it faded from view. Speed looked like around 200 mph at say 3,000 feet altitude – just a guess though as I could not tell its size.” [...]
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