Wednesday, January 07, 2015

UFO Caught 'Taking Off' From Mountain in Mexico | VIDEO

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UFO Caught 'Taking Off' From Mountain In Michoacan, Mexico 12-30-14

     Editor's note:José Luis Rueda of CIRCAC (Centro de Investigación Rueda Cósmica, roughly translated to Cosmic Wheel Research Center A.C.) posted a video on the 4th purporting to be a UFO "apparently seen coming out of a mountain." He in part writes:
"An extraordinary object crosses the sky of Michoacán , Mexico, on December 30, 2014 …. Apparently seen coming out of a mountain, which is the area where you’ll begin to see a strange light that is moving in the sky [in the video], several pictures of the object were continuously taken with an exposure of 13 to 15 seconds . . ..”

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