A UFO appeared in the skies above northern California in the early morning of Friday, September 12.
At least thirty witnesses in the bay area watched the strange object streak across the sky at approximately 6:00 a.m. Some describe the object as a white light, while others say it was orange. But the light was seen with “fog or smoke billowing out” behind it. Among the witnesses is a police officer from Sacramento. . . .
. . . The strange object that streaked across the sky remains unidentified. . . .
#NEW pics of mysterious object seen flying across East Bay sky this morning. Did you see it? Tweet us & let us know! pic.twitter.com/VgJddPfkCi |
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See Also:
Mystery Object in NorCal Sky | UFO NEWS – VIDEO
UFO Fireball in the Sky Catches Bay Area's Attention | UFO NEWS | VIDEO
UFO Sightings in Bay Area, Nevada
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