Friday, September 12, 2014

UFO Escorted by Two Military Jets, Claims Eyewitness

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UFO Escorted by Two Military Jets

Arizona witness says UFO escorted by two military jets

By Roger Marsh

     An Arizona witness at McNeal reported watching a boomerang-shaped UFO that appeared to be escorted by two military jets about 9:08 p.m. on September 9, 2014, according to testimony in Case 59707 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness and his mother were in their barn feeding horses when a rumbling sound was heard overhead.

“I’ve heard that a hundred times,” the witness stated. “There was a full moon rising in the east about three or four fingers above the horizon and a very clear night. I looked up to the west to where I heard the plane and saw red lights moving southeast; but it was strange.”

The witness described the object.

“It had five lights in a boomerang pattern – one on the nose and two more on each side. If it was a plane it was the biggest plane I’ve ever seen. It was really high up too. But I’ve seen airliners around that same height and it was five times bigger than those.”

The witness then noticed two fighter jets in the area.

“There were two jet fighters tailing slightly behind the tips of its wings. I knew they were separate aircraft because they moved independently from the red lights which stayed together and they were not red but more like white/ yellow in color. As the object and jets passed over I could see the jets had blinking aircraft lights – like you see on all aircraft.” . . .

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