West Virginia witnesses at Elkins reported watching and following a low flying , triangle-shaped UFO that eventually appeared to cloak itself and disappear about 8:40 p.m. on September 25, 2014, according to testimony in Case 60101 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness and his wife were driving south out of Elkins on Beverly Pike when two bright orange lights were observed low in the sky.
“The light on the right was higher than the one on the left, suggesting the object had just changed direction or was banking from a western direction of travel to a northern direction of travel,” the witness stated.
The couple moved closer to the object.
“We watched the lights get closer and appear level as the object was traveling due north in the opposite direction of travel from us. We noticed a third, dim white light in the front of the object, thus forming a triangle of lights with the two orange orbs to the rear/side.”
The witness described the object.
“As we got closer I noticed the orange lights were hourglass-shaped. Last night was very clear and devoid of any cloud cover. This made it possible to discern the shape of the object was indeed a triangle, flat black in color, reflecting no light.” . . .
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See Also:
Triangle-Shaped UFO Sighted Over Lakewood, Ohio | UFO NEWS
Silent, Translucent Craft Sighted Near Brisbane | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
"Silent, Low Flying, Triangle-Shaped UFOs Move Overhead"
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