There are multitudes of not only Ufologists, but also scientists and on the other side, self-proclaimed skeptics etc., who seem to have an inside track on the psychology of ET. In listening to some, one would think that they’ve had intimate encounters with our alleged visitors, and or have studied their societies for years. (If in fact they have societies at all).
Many propose their motives, and why things happen or don’t; for example, regarding Roswell, some have stated that, “the crash of an ET craft” isn’t possible because ET would be too far advanced in their respective technologies for that to happen.
Still others claim that ET is just as fallible as we humans, regardless of their superiority over us. Scientists of course argue that ET can’t be here, as the distances are too vast to travel, (unscientifically) presuming that ET is humanlike, roughly the same age as the human race and functioning at a similar level of technological advancement.
Skeptics have often echoed the sentiments that if UFOs were indeed alien spacecraft, then they would obviously make contact with the governments of the earth. Conspiracists theorize they indeed already have, and work in conjunction with a macabre faction of the powers-that-be.
Most theologians, who seem to know what the “Supreme ET” of all is thinking, say that we are alone.
Some very esteemed Ufologists have suggested that ET has been visiting the planet since the first detonation of the A-bomb; that much like Star Trek,” a “Federation of Planets” is concerned, much akin to children playing with a gun.
Within these various dogmas lies a common thesis; they are all based from human logic or anthropocentrism; therefore, the foundation to which they (said dogmas) are predicated is non-existent! I submit that trying to deduce alien intentions/ideologies with human explication to quote (speaking of Star Trek) one of my favorite extraterrestrials “is not logical!”
Barring abductions, there isn’t enough data to surmise any alien ideology of any sort; to suggest otherwise is nonsensical. In order to postulate a theorem about an extraterrestrial life form at the very least, some facts are obligatory; for example, are they carbon based? Do they require sustenance? Are they societal? Do they possess emotions, etc?
Without further data there is only speculation; that speculation is futile, unless ET is analogous to the human species. Naturally that notion can’t be ruled out either, given the lack of information.
Ultimately, in order to validate the various licenses taken by so many, the preface must be, “If ET is akin to the human species, then I believe . . .” as it is currently impossible to presume “alien” intent by human explication.
See Also:
Finding Aliens and Its Impact on Society
How To Talk To Aliens
"Werthimer's Catchphrases on UFOs Were Right Out of the Discount Bin"
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