Friday, August 08, 2014

Triangle UFO Above Germany Leaves Questions In Its Wake | VIDEO

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Triangle UFO Above Germany Leaves Questions In Its Wake

Lee Speigel By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post

     When a UFO video seems too good to be true -- is it?

We've pointed out many times how difficult it is to identify hoaxes among UFO photos and videos, and computer technology has just added to the confusion. With the right app or Photoshop elements, even youngsters can create and post real-looking, out-of-this-world UFOs to YouTube faster than you can say, "ET, phone home." But the footage doesn't always hold up under expert scrutiny.

Consider this recent example: A triangular UFO was reportedly videotaped over Kassel, Germany, on June 26 by a man who was taping his son playing in a park, reports the International Business Times.

Scott C. Waring, who runs the UFO Sightings Daily site, thinks it's the genuine article.

"The fact that the person blurred out the face of the kid and didn't get the UFO in the dead center of the video is what causes me to believe this is real," he said. "Also, the lighting and shading on the UFO matches that of the trees and the bars of [the] jungle gym."

But is that analysis enough to give this UFO the seal of approval? Other experts say no.

"There are two giveaway segments" that show the UFO is computer-generated, said Marc Dantonio, chief photo and video analyst for the Mutual UFO Network. "As the object is first seen, you notice that the cameraman shifts the camera up and down a bit. The object should not be affected by this motion at all."

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