Wednesday, July 30, 2014

UFO / Alien Street Signs Remain a Mystery | VIDEO

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UFO - Alien Street Signs Remain a Mystery - July 2014

By Brittni Smallwood
News 4

     EAST AURORA, N.Y. (WIVB) – It’s been days since the mysterious alien signs vanished from the streets of East Aurora and no one knows who took them down.

East Aurora Police explained that they have no suspects.

It appears as though the signs are gone without a trace. The same way they showed up.

“I think it’s a high school kid. I hear they were really high end. So that’s something a high school kid may not have been able to afford,” said Allie Hartwick who’s wondering where the signs came from.

“There have been a lot of rumors. I don’t know, “said Gary Grote, the President of the East Aurora Chamber of Commerce. . . .

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