“The silver, capsule shape looked to be smaller than a bus, just stayed over the trees for seconds and disappeared while I was watching it,” the witness stated. “No noise.”A North Carolina witness at Tarboro reported multiple sightings of a silent, capsule-shaped object that appeared and disappeared at the tree top level, according to June 6, 2014, testimony in Case 56881 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. . . .
. . . The witness was driving about 1 p.m. in February 2014 when the object was first seen. The exact date was not indicated in the MUFON report.
“I stopped to look at it. I saw the same object three times in February within a two-week period. All three sightings were in approximately a one square mile area.”
The witness described the object.
“It did not ascend or descend. It just disappeared. It was shiny like a piece of aluminum foil and had no windows or doors – just solid and shiny.” . . .
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See Also:
Huge, Cigar-Shaped UFO Glides Over Ukraine City
Mysterious 'Flying Cigar' Tracked By Rome Radar | UFO CHRONICLE – 1954
Mexico: The Truth Behind "Cigar-Shaped" UFOs
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