Friday, October 18, 2013

Amelia Earhart Search Update: Manned Submersibles with High Def Video To Locate Aircraft Remains

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Investigation Of Possible Crash Site To Resume In 2014

By Meredith Bennett-Smith
The Huffington Post

      Fear not, Amelia Earhart fans: The search for America's long-lost female pilot will resume again in 2014, and the expedition may finally prove whether or not Earhart crash landed on an island in the South Pacific and died a castaway.

The investigation will be led by The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), an organization that has spent many years and millions of dollars attempting to solve the mystery of Earhart's disappearance during a flight 76 years ago.

According to TIGHAR's website, the group plans to organize a 30-day expedition in September to Gardner Island, now Nikumaroro Island, in the Republic of Kiribati. The group will be borrowing a University of Hawai‘i oceanographic research ship, from which it will be able to deploy two submersibles, Pisces IV and Pisces V, each carrying a pilot and two TIGHAR observers.

The submersibles will be used to get a "detailed 'eyeball' and photographic examination of the entire mile-long underwater search area," according to TIGHAR. Meanwhile an onshore team will be performing a "detailed survey of the beachfront and forest area in search of evidence of an initial Earhart/Noonan campsite."

The team will be building off previous expeditions in order to decide where to search. One of the most important underwater clues to date may be a 22-foot long object picked up TIGHAR-funded sonar imaging just west of Nikumaroro Island. The object bears a resemblance to the fuselage of Earhart's Lockheed Electra. . . .

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