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Case closed: Boomerang object reported 300 feet from witnesses' roof line
![]() | By Roger Marsh The Examiner 9-12-13 |
A Minnesota witness at Eden Prairie reported two encounters with unidentified objects including a boomerang-shaped object that appeared 300 feet from his roof line, according to testimony in Cases 47870 and 47499 both closed as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) announced September 12, 2013.
The witness was outside smoking at 10:50 p.m. on May 18, 2013, when the first object was noticed.
"Looked up towards the Big Dipper and saw the two oval reddish lights," the witness stated. "Then noticed the crescent shape between the lights. It started on a straight path. Suddenly made multiple S-shaped maneuvers in the pattern of how a snake looks when it moves. Very, very fast."
The witness stated he lives near two airports, but has never seen anything like this before.
"It was very low and made no sound. The lights were oval and sort of dim. Clear sky. Mild humidity. It lasted maybe 10-15 seconds. It went across the whole sky in this short time and got smaller and faded out like it left the atmosphere." . . .
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See Also:
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Boomerang Shaped UFO Hovered ABove Me
Eye Witness Mike Fortson's Original Report of The 'Phoenix Lights'
Massachusetts Witness Describes Silent Triangle UFO Encounter | UFO NEWS
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