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Interview with former NASA space station director on Elysium and UFOs
![]() | By Alejandro Rojas 8-9-13 |
Elysium, a new sci-fi adventure movie starring Matt Damon and Jody Foster, opens this weekend. It is about a gigantic fancy space station that is reserved for the rich, while the poor are left to struggle for survival on a trashed out Earth. Max (Matt Damon) may be Earth’s last hope to bring equality to humanity, that is, if Elysium’s Secretary Delacourt (Jodie Foster) and her henchmen don’t stop him first.
To get some insight into space station technology, space tourism, and what it takes to live in space, I was able to interview Mark Uhran, who worked for NASA in the International Space Station division for 28 years, the last seven as the division director. Of course, I also had to ask him about alleged UFO videos taken from the ISS. . . .
. . . R: One of the things we hear a lot about are anomalous videos or sightings from the space station. Do you put any credence into any of these, or have you heard of any weird sightings that any astronauts have had on the space station?
U: (Chuckle) You know that’s probably the most common question people ask me, and honest to God, absolutely the truth is no. Not a single thing that was not explainable.
R: What are people misinterpreting? Why do you think people believe these videos are more strange than they actually are? . . .
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
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UFO Research By NASA Affiliated Physicist Dr. Eric W. Davis is Confirmed By Colleague
NASA Tweets UFO Photos From ISS On April Fools’ Day
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