Tuesday, August 09, 2011

UFO NEWS | Rendlesham Incident: UFO Expert Disputes Colonel’s Hoax Claim

Rendlesham UFO Sketch
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By Elliot Furniss

     CLAIMS by a senior US airman that the famous UFO incident at Rendlesham Forest could be a hoax have been dismissed as “a load of rubbish” by a leading expert on the sightings.

Sightings of mysterious lights in the woods at Rendlesham over two nights were reported by several airmen, including Col Conrad’s deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt. Lt Col Halt filed reports detailing the episode, which have long been disputed, leading Lt Col Halt to accuse the US and UK governments of concocting a cover-up.

Col Conrad said has now provided a series of statements about the sightings to Dr David Clarke, a Sheffield Hallam University academic and the UFO adviser to the National Archives.

He said: “The search for an explanation could go many places including the perpetration of a clever hoax. . . .

. . . But Brenda Butler, who has written books on the incident and still goes UFO hunting in the woods three times a week, said Col Conrad’s hoax claims were “a load of rubbish”. . . .

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