Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guest Frank Warren to Discuss Crimes Against UFOlogy on The Joiner Report

Guest Frank Warren to Discuss Crimes Against UFOlogy on The Joiner Report

By Sherry Boardman
The Joiner Report

Sherry Boardman     Copyright infringement, plagiarism, piracy, and out right theft have become the crimes against UFOlogy.

Frank Warren, publisher of The UFO Chronicles, will join Angelia on Thursday night’s The Joiner Report to discuss the issues ufologists are battling while continuing their dedicated research.

There are those who seek their own notoriety. Being unable to achieve success, they prey on others who have already concluded years of research and presented it to the public in whatever means available to disseminate the information, often free gratis. It is well-known that those who have availed themselves of others’ end products are receiving illegal monetary gain.

Ufologists are fighting the crimes, but justice is not swift.

Tune in to The Joiner Report Thursday night, March 31, 7:30-9 p.m. Central (8:30-10 p.m. Eastern),, when Frank Warren will share his insight on these crimes and relate the steps being taken to rectify the misdeeds of others.

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