By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
In recognition of the upcoming 63rd anniversary of what has become known as The Roswell Incident, and corresponding festival in the city of the same name, I take great pride in announcing that my special guest for this week’s Joiner Report (Friday July 2nd) will be none other then Jesse Marcel Jr.The UFO Chronicles
Jesse, like his father is a great American patriot: that said, no one could have predicted that after joining the Navy in 1962—42 years later he would be fighting in the Iraq War at the youthful age of 68!! Jesse in 2004 was called back to active duty; he flew over 225 hours as a flight surgeon for the 189th Attack Helicopter Battalion. He retired (again) as a full-bird Colonel.

Anyone who has read my review knows that Jesse’s book didn’t disappoint and I highly recommend it! Jesse details his experience as not only the son of the first military officer present at the 1947 crash site, but as a witness and handler himself to some of the crash debris. He completes the tome by sharing his involvement in research up to present day and how The Roswell Incident has affected his life and that of his family.
This Friday’s show will be a special treat for me as I have the utmost respect for Jesse, and his father and am honored to be in his company; however, it doesn’t end there, as good friend and colleague, “Dennis Balthaser” will be on in the second half of the show.
Dennis is considered to be one of the top experts on The Roswell Incident, having moved to the town many years ago to pursue research. He is a popular, sought out speaker on the subject and along with his award winning web site, www.truthseekeratroswell.com he has appeared on numerous television and radio shows; as is the case every year during the Roswell festival, Dennis will be giving lectures over the long weekend; it’s with great appreciation that he has agreed to take time out of his busy schedule to join us this Friday night.
Show time: Friday,July 2, 2010
- 7:00 - 9:00 pm Pacific
- 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Central
- 10:00 - 12:00 pm Eastern
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UFO Paranormal Radio Network (UPRN)
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How to download PalTalk and get to the virtual auditorium.
See Also:
The Roswell Legacy
By Jesse Marcel Jr.
On The Road To Roswell 2007: A Discussion With Dennis G. Balthaser


UFO Paranormal Radio Network (UPRN)
Listen and or participate in the conversation using PalTalk.
How to download PalTalk and get to the virtual auditorium.
See Also:
The Roswell Legacy
By Jesse Marcel Jr.
On The Road To Roswell 2007: A Discussion With Dennis G. Balthaser
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