The topic for discussion will be former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Supervisor Chet Lytle’s revelations about the Roswell Incident. Lytle, who did engineering work for the Manhattan Project, which created the first atomic bomb during World War II, states that the former Roswell Army Airfield commander, then-Colonel William Blanchard, personally told him that the crashed object secretly recovered near the base, in July 1947, was an alien spacecraft.
A detailed discussion of Lytle’s admission appears in Hastings’ critically-acclaimed book UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. A brief summary may also be found HERE.
The dramatic revelation occurred during a taped interview with Hastings, concerning Lytle’s knowledge of nuclear weapons-related UFO activity. Unexpectedly, the retired engineer began discussing Roswell. In February 1953, Lytle—by then a weapons stockpiling supervisor with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)—was visiting Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, together with newly-promoted USAF Brigadier General Blanchard, whose assignment was the training of aircrews for the B-36 strategic bombers based there.
According to Lytle, who held Top Secret clearances related to nuclear weapons work, during a flight from Alaska to Illinois, his “very good friend” Blanchard confessed to him that an extraterrestrial spacecraft had been recovered in 1947, together with four dead aliens. Lytle, whose AEC office at Wright-Patterson AFB, in the early 1950s, put him in the right place at the right time to learn more, said that he had also been privy to “leaks about autopsies on the bodies from people who had been in and seen them.” Lytle further stated that the crashed craft had been stored at Hanger 5 on the base, adding, “I had the highest clearances involving atomic weapons stockpiling. I was very heavily cleared to do what I did, but I was never allowed into that area.”
Hastings says, “Three years after my 1998 interview with Lytle, he refused to answer a few follow-up questions, nervously telling me that after our first conversation he had been ‘paid a visit’ by someone who wanted to know why he was talking to me and Roswell researcher Don Schmitt.”
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