Special TWO Hour Event!
By www.angeliajoiner.com
The Air Force released their official explanation of the sightings – military flares dropped by A-10s. However, on further investigation, the time didn’t coincide with witness reports. Fortson, then living in Changler, Arizona, argued the flare explanation. He was definite in his description stating that he distinctly saw a solid object over a mile wide, flying about 30-35 mph at approximately 1500 to 2000 feet above the ground.
Fortson’s interest in the Phoenix Lights has made him a target for interviews in UFO circles. Since the 1997 sighting, he has served as a source for more than 50 news stories and telecasts. That includes appearances in well-known documentaries such as “Out of the Blue,” “The Phoenix Lights” and the ABC special “Seeing is Believing,” featuring the late news anchor Peter Jennings.
On Friday, Sep.18, Frank Warren of UFO Chronicles will be guest host for “The Joiner Report,” and Mike Fortson will revisit the details of ‘The Phoenix Lights.’ The broadcast is 9:00-11:00 p.m. (CST) at:
Listeners Can Submit Questions in Real Time!
Editor's Note-Listeners are urged to join in the dialogue with myself and my guest Mike Fortson in the "virtual auditorium" via Pal-Talk; not only is tonight's show open to audience participation, but "all" shows streamed live from The UFO Paranormal Radio Network are-FW
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