By Jamie Hall
EDMONTON - Calls are pouring in about the sight of a bright light in the skies over the Edmonton area.edmontonjournal.com
Marcel Gobeil, who lives on a farm just west of Beaumont, was sitting in his living room when he heard what he describes as a "loud boom," followed by the sight of bright colourful lights just before 5:30 p.m.
"At first I thought it was fireworks," said Gobeil. "I've never seen anything like it; it was green and blue and then turned to bright red.
"It was pretty big."
Gobeil said he also saw the object hit the ground about 10 seconds later.
"It seemed like it fell on Beaumont, but it's more likely it landed in Manitoba or Saskatchewan if it was a meteorite," he said.
Edmonton fire dispatchers, meanwhile, said they contacted both the international and municipal airports after reports of the bright lights to see if an airplane had gone down. They still have no idea what the object was.
"Everyone seems to have seen something," one dispatcher said, "but we have no call on it."
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