Saturday, November 22, 2008

Colorado State Patrol Officer Encountered UFO and “Human” Stranger

UFO at Golf Cource in Colorado Springs
By Linda Moulton Howe
© 11-21-2008

     November 21, 2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico - As a professional journalist, I know that the men and women who work in police departments and sheriff’s offices are often exposed to many high strangeness events that are never reported to the public. I know firsthand from those in law enforcement who told me they had come to the conclusion in the 1970s that the perpetrators of worldwide animal mutilations are “creatures from outer space,” but most of them would not speak on the record in front of a TV camera.

So, when I receive a letter or email from a retired law enforcement professional who says he is still haunted by an encounter with a large unidentified aerial craft that occurred in 1992, I try to follow up.

That’s what happened this fall with Jon M. Spaulding, who has given me permission to use his full real name. He was born in 1945 and is now retired at age 63 with a serious breathing disability that might be linked to his UFO encounter in 1992. He worked in law enforcement in Rumford, Maine, and in the Colorado Springs, Colorado, region from 1982 until 2001. He was chief investigator in a detectives team when he retired because of his physical disability.

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