On June 4 at approximately 12:30 am, a pale, blue-green globe-shaped light approached Holloman Air Force Base from the direction of Sierra Blanca (referred to as "Old Baldy |
By APRO Bulletin
July 1957 |
During a period of between 10 and 15 minutes astonished civilian and military observers watched the weird object swing to and fro like a pendulum. There was no discernible shape except the light, which was either large at high altitude or small at low altitude.
The light, as though bent on a specific mission, swung in even arcs over the base, then headed for White Sands Proving Ground, to the Southwest, and over that area, again began the pendulum-like swing. It was observed by military and civilian personnel at the Proving grounds also....
See Also:
’68 UFO Run-In at ND Air Force Base Still Unresolved
Ten UFOs Cavort Above Nuclear Missiles at Malmstrom AFB: Air Force Witnesses Quickly Silenced
UFOs Filmed Hovering Over U.S. Air Force Nuclear Weapons Storage Area:
Important New Revelations about the Paul Bennewitz Affair
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