VINA, Tehama Co. – Farm employees and law enforcement officers reported seeing a "large, bright blinking" Unidentified Flying | By The Sacramento Bee 5-25-1969 |
Tom Kitchen, a tractor operator, said he spotted the UFO yesterday while on his tractor in a field near the Woodson bridge on the outskirts of Vina.
"It was about the size of a large auto or small bus." Kitchen told officers who said they saw it in its ascendancy.
Follows Train
Kitchen said the UFO hovered at tree-top level and he watched it for considerable time. Then, he said, a Southern Pacific freight train rolled by on the nearby tracks and the object followed the train.
See Also:
Triangular-Shaped UFO Photographed at Tree-Top Level
Triangle UFO Reported Hovering at Treetop Level
Diamond-Shaped UFO Photogaphed at Tree-Top Level | Sayreville, New Jersey
* Special Thanks To Kay Massingill & The Magonia Exchange Project
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