Thursday, November 10, 2016

Triangle UFO Reported Hovering at Treetop Level

Triangle UFO Reported Hovering at Treetop Level
“It began to slowly, and at an extremely smooth and constant speed, fly over my car heading the opposite direction as me. As it passed overhead I saw that it had three red lights on all three corners and the front one was blinking.”

     A Georgia witness at Moultrie reported watching a triangle UFO with lights at each corner hover and then move directly overhead silently at the treetop level, according to testimony in Case 80091 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving at 7:45 p.m. on October 28, 2016, and stopped at an intersection.

“I saw a strange object right in front of me in the sky that was sitting still,” the witness stated.“I thought it was a plane, but it was way too

By Roger Marsh
close to the ground to be a plane. So I rolled my windows down to listen just to be sure.”

The object was completely silent.

“It began to slowly, and at an extremely smooth and constant speed, fly over my car heading the opposite direction as me. As it passed overhead I saw that it had three red lights on all three corners and the front one was blinking.”

As the witness continued to watch, a white light turned on along the right corner of the craft, right beside the red light.

“I tried to see if the white light was coming from a window, but could not tell due to its speed. I want to make it very clear that I saw the outline and bottom of the craft as well as the lights on the end, and I am 100 percent certain that it was not a plane or jet of any sort.”

The witness finally moved through the intersection. ...

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