Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Westall UFO Incident: Pilots May Hold Answers

     As an oval of school children gazed at mysterious objects in the skies of Melbourne one afternoon back in 1966, seven pilots flew overhead with reports at least one pilot allegedly giving chase.
By Kate Kachor

It was around lunchtime on Wednesday, April 6, 1966, when students and staff from Westall High School and Westall State School, in south east Melbourne, spilled out onto the local oval for sport.

As the students went about their exercises, hundreds of them claim to have witnessed unexplained objects flying overhead before disappearing into a nearby grassy paddock known as The Grange.


“He [researcher Shane Ryan] knows personally the one pilot who got closest to the object and actually tried to chase it. This man is still alive and living in a nursing home.”

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