The high desert of New Mexico, March 25, 1948 early morning a rancher leaves his house to let his goats out of the corral. There is a loud noise that draws his eyes to the sky where he sees a silver flying saucer wobbling as if in distress. | By Martin Willis Live Shows
3-26-19 |
The saucer scrapes along a rock cliff causing sparks. It then heads north and lands on a mesa. There a group of witnesses gather to examine the craft including ranchers, oil field workers, police, a county commissioner and preacher. They find that the craft is intact except for a hole the size of a quarter. They quickly grab a pole from one of their trucks and began poking in side of the craft. Suddenly the craft opens and reveals 2 slumped over dead beings. As if this isn’t amazing enough, there is so much more to this comprehensive study and documentation of a historical event. Meet the witnesses and scientists that worked on the craft. Follow the individuals involved in the cover-up and the enduring impact that this incident had on their lives and all of ours. Now available through Career Press The Aztec UFO INCIDENT.
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