Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Did Buzz Aldrin Really See UFO in Space, Pass Lie Detector Test?

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     Over the weekend, the internet exploded with reports that legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin and others have convinced experts that they encountered aliens by passing lie detector tests.
By Katherine Hignett


So did Buzz Aldrin really see a UFO?

The story was originally published as an "exclusive" by British tabloid the Daily Star.


... Aldrin and others have debunked any speculation that he actually witnessed evidence of aliens numerous times. For example, Aldrin addressed the sighting in a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session in 2014.

The astronaut explained to readers that he did spot a weird, moving light during the Apollo 11 journey but said he was “absolutely convinced” it was just sunlight reflecting from a rocket panel that had separated from the lander.

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