Monday, July 24, 2017

UFO FILES: The Untold Story

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U.F.O. Files The Untold Story By Partick Huyghe (Pt 1A) - New York Times (10-14-1979)

U.F.O. Files The Untold Story By Partick Huyghe (Pt 2A) - New York Times (10-14-1979)

U.F.O. Files The Untold Story By Partick Huyghe (Pt 3A) - New York Times (10-14-1979)

U.F.O. Files The Untold Story By Partick Huyghe (Pt 4A) - New York Times (10-14-1979)

U.F.O. Files The Untold Story By Partick Huyghe (Pt 5A) - New York Times (10-14-1979)

U.F.O. Files The Untold Story By Partick Huyghe (Pt 6A) - New York Times (10-14-1979)

Air Force records show that the C.I.A. was notified several times of these [UFO] penetrations over nuclear missile and bomber bases

     The Defense Department message bears the classification CONFIDENTIAL. “Subject: Suspicious Unknown Air Activity.” Dated Nov. 11, 1975, it reads:
By Patrick Huyghe
The New York

“Since 28 Oct 75 numerous reports of suspicious objects have been received at the NORAD COC [North American Air Defense Combat Operations Center]. Reliable military personnel at Loring AFB [Air Force Base], Maine, Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan, Malmstrom AFB, [Montana], Minot AFB, [North Dakota], and Canadian Forces Station, Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada, have visually sighted suspicious objects.


Numerous daily updates kept the Joint Chiefs of Staff informed of these incursions by U.F.O.'s in the fall of 1975. Representatives of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency as well as a handful of other Government desks received copies of the National Military Command Center's reports on the incidents. One report said that an unidentified object “demonstrated a clear intent in the weapons storage area.” ...

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