An Australian witness at Eungella reported watching and photographing a cylinder-shaped object moving about 500 feet overhead in a straight line without noticeable sound, according to testimony in Case 82637 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was outside with his wife and son at 6:50 a.m. on March 14, 2017, when the incident began. |
“My son looked up at the sky, pointed and said, ‘moon?’”the witness stated. “My wife and I looked to see what he was pointing at and we saw a white, cylindrical or rectangular object above the clouds and travelling from south to north at a fast rate.”
The witness immediately noted the direction of wind in the area.
“The wind was blowing in the same direction; however, this object did not look like a balloon, but a solid, reflective structure.”
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See Also:
Cylindrical Shaped UFO Hovers 500 Over Highway
MY UFO EXPERIENCE | Alabama | Cylindrical Shaped UFO Photographed Over Autauga County
Cylindrical-Shaped UFO Video-Recorded From Passenger Plane | VIDEO
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