An Arizona witness at Willcox who is a meteorological observer for the military recounts a UFO encounter from 2014 and questions his own reactions, according to testimony in Case 74926 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness woke up at 3:30 a.m. with “stomach trouble” while on a deer hunt on November 1, 2014, and left his vehicle. “I observed a black triangle dart across the rims of the canyon we were camping in,” the witness stated.“Object made no sound.” |
But the observation of an unusual craft did not seem to disturb the witness at the time.
“I seemed to not even care, got up and went back to my vehicle. Months later, I recalled the hunting trip and remembered the event. My actions that night were uncharacteristic as I have looked to the skies my whole life and never witnessed a UFO before. Why then, when I finally saw something I could not explain, did I brush it off as nothing?”
The witness does recall a memory of not wanting to see the UFO again.
“I do remember not wanting to see it come back as I fell asleep that morning.”
The witness details the sighting.
“The direction of flight was perpendicular to the northeast-southwest running canyon. I projected the speed to be about 500 mph at an altitude of 1,000 feet AGL. Object appeared to be between 50-75 feet of equal length sides. No lights. If it had not been for city light pollution on an overcast sky, I would not have noticed the object. The object made no sound whatsoever.” [...]
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See Also:
Giant, Black Triangle-Shaped Craft with 4-feet-tall figures Inside, Sighted Over Texas, Claims Witness | UFO NEWS
The Herkimer Black Triangle UFO
'Black Triangle' UFO Captured on Video Hovering Over City
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