Friday, July 19, 2024

Nuclear Theory On Forest UFO Claims (2011)

Nuclear Theory On Forest UFO Claims -

"... there is evidence to suggest laser-like beams were seen above nuclear storage facilities at Bentwaters."

     THE notorious sighting of UFOs in a Suffolk forest could be linked to the presence of nuclear weapons, it was claimed last night.

In December 1980 strange lights were seen by US Air Force
By Craig Robinson
East Anglian Times
personnel at the twin bases of RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge near Rendlesham Forest.

The event – which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary – has never been explained and attracts a variety of different theories.

Expert Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes, believes the mysterious events had a nuclear weapons connection.

He has spoken to a number of eye witnesses – including base commander Colonel Charles Halt – and said there is evidence to suggest laser-like beams were seen above nuclear storage facilities at Bentwaters.

Mr. Hastings, who recently lectured at Oxford University on the connection between UFOs and nuclear weapons said: "One of the UFOs hovered over the nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA) and directed laser-like beams of light down onto or near it."

"At that time, the WSA held the largrest stockpile of tacticval nuclear bombs – also known as battlefield nukes – in Western Europe."

"The incident at Bentwaters was hardly unique. Significantly, UFO incursions at WSAs at other USAF bases occurred in the years both preceding and following the incident at Bentwaters."

Mr. Hastings said other sightings were recorded above WSA's at Michigan and Montana in 1975, New Mexico in 1980 and in the former Soviet Union in 1989.

He believes the UFOs targeted these areas because their occupants were monitoring the nuclear arms race.

"I am speculating but it appears that whatever their overall agenda may be, part of what they are up to is monitoring the nuclear arms race," he said. "I have interviewed over 120 former military personnel in the US – three quarters of them are of the opinion that these things are attemting to wag a finger at us. Admonishing us. Telling us that we are playing with fire."

To mark the 30th anniversary of the incident the East Anglian Daily Times has teamed up with BBC Radio Suffolk to try to explain the mystery in a continuing investigation called Rendlesham Rervelaed.

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